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11 presidential candidates

Nancy Linda Kalembe (Independent)

Nancy Kalembe is an independent candidate. She first made her presidential ambitions known to the country in June this year. As the only woman in the race, she says she presents a rare chance for Uganda to have its very first ever female president.

Kalembe says she was born a leader and has been trained throughout her life for it. In her declaration speech announced two months ago, Kalembe said no matter how good a leader is, they must recognize that leadership is inter-generational and that this is the time for the old generation to handover to the young generation.  She says Uganda needs new energy, crisp and renewed leadership; a leadership that gives pride of place to each of the 56 tribes of Uganda.

Kalembe seeks to serve Uganda with integrity, inclusiveness, openness and accountability. She says despite the best intentions of the current leaders, they have run their course and whatever they promise to do only amounts to little.

“The people who fought so hard to liberate Uganda should retire and take on an advisory role to the young to the young generation,” she says.

“Uganda needs fresh ideas and I embody that freshness as informed by my experience in entrepreneurship, women empowerment, media, tourism, agriculture, banking and finance and the service industry,” she says.  Kalembe says she will fight for employment of the youth and regional integration. She says Uganda needs a civilian president.

Willy Mayambala (Independent)

Willy Mayambala is the other one of the six independent candidates vying for the presidency. He says he intends to focus on five areas but most importantly; his government will focus its attention on agriculture. “Agriculture is this country’s economic backbone, therefore, we must maximise profits from the industry,” he says.

I will have big incentives for the farmers, such as easing access to cheap credit through grants from the government, ensure farmers access loans to boost their ventures,and remove all taxes on all agricultural input including; seed, fertilizer, pesticide and machinery.

Mayambala wants Uganda to become the global food basket. He wants to establish silos but also wants the government to be the number one buyer of farmers’ produce so farmers stop worrying about low prices for their produce.

Joseph Kabuleta (Independent)

Joseph Kabuleta, a former sports journalist-turned evangelical pastor is running on an independent ticket under the ROCK theme (Reclaiming Our Country & Kin). He says Ugandans should vote into office God fearing leaders.

Restoring religious freedom and ending all inhuman acts like child sacrifice which the current leadership accommodates or even uses to stay in power as well as stopping foreigners from haemorhaging the country’s resources while Ugandans wallow in poverty will be his business. He insists Uganda is potentially one of the richest countries on earth.

“The government needs you poor, yet we can be rich,” Kabuleta said on Oct.15.

“President Museveni was a student of communism. He knows that a poor person is much easier to govern. Progression to middle class is therefore suppressed. It is the middle class that brings about change of government.”



  1. I would love todays Ugandas 2021st elections to be judged by the real ballots to be casted by supporter and determind well by the real EC Body as an independent system neither by one person’s order nor one party’s order like has been done always.

  2. Now days Ugandan youth have showed the world that they are not educated, how would u follow or even vote for someone whome you’ve not even seen his manifesto, just shouting we vote umbrella, really? Ok why not Kubuleta? Why not Mabirizi? I rest my case.

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