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Only 15% support removal of age limits, report

Kampala, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT | Only 15% of the voters support amendment of the constitution to remove presidential age limits. This is according to a report on citizens’ perception on the proposed amendment of article 102(b) of the constitution released on Dec.08 by the Uganda Governance Monitoring Platform (UGMP) an entity that monitors trends in governance and Civil Society Organization – Citizens Coalition on Electoral Democracy (CCEDU).

The participants where 22926 were female and 27503 male selected from 100 constituencies were asked a direct question that, “Do you support the proposed constitutional amendment of article 102b of the constitution of the republic of Uganda to remove the upper and lower age limits?

100% of the voters in Oyam South constituency opposed the bill.

Overall, in Northern Uganda where the constituency is located voted 86% in opposition whereas in Eastern Uganda 95% of the voters sampled were also in opposition. 66% and 76% in central and western Uganda respectively also opposed.

Of the 13 sub regions, it’s only in Toro where the overall perception is in support of the bill. Sebei and Teso sub regions had the most people opposing the bill.

According to the researchers, the study was undertaken after they realized some sections of MPs were conducting consultations in a way that didn’t cover diverse sections of the populace.

However, the 33 page report containing results of a survey conducted between October and December was released at the same time as the committee on Legal and Parliamentary Affairs that was tasked to scrutinize the bill was concluding its report showing majority of the MPs were in support of the amendment.


  1. i oppose de bill

  2. we are not animal of which you take to bush so we do not support it.

  3. According to me this report has glaring gaps in it such as. quite sure it was conducted in urban centres yet more than sixth percent of the country’s population resides in rural areas which apse provide the largest NRM franchise and people who would support the president is largely riding on the urban populist opinion which is greatly influenced Bi the opposition however the numbers given are contradicted by the national elections at local government ,parliamentary and presidential levels which are in favour of the president and it is safe to assume that a big percentage would support this bill
    3.unlike polls conducted else where this one doesn’t give the percentage of the apoliticals,people either undecided or generally with out a choice and it gust assumes that everyone is already decided which is ridiculous
    4.lastly random sampling which was done is highly ineffective and may reflect the views of a minority not a majority as expressed.

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