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5 steps to stop Ebola

Dr Mosoka Fallah, a frontline expert advises on how to stop its spread to neighbouring countries

SPECIAL FEATURE | DR MOSOKA FALLAH | The biggest Ebola outbreak in human history happened in West Africa from 2014 to 2015. I was on the front lines in Liberia serving as the head of case detection for the National Ebola Response team and administering critical aspects of Liberia’s Ebola response.

The outbreak affected Sierra Leone, Guinea and Liberia. It claimed 11,310 lives and took 36 months to contain. It made its way along major highways from Guinea into Liberia and Sierra Leone, which share a long border.

Uganda’s current Ebola virus outbreak has a few similarities. The first case was found in Mubende district, located on a major highway to the capital city, Kampala, and neighbouring Democratic Republic of Congo – putting both at high risk.

Ebola spreads through body fluids and direct contact. The infectiousness of the virus increases as patients get sicker – when they vomit and have diarrhoea. At death the virus is at its most virulent and thus any communal burial increases the spread.

In the 2014/2015 outbreak there was widespread disbelief in communities, due to ignorance, distrust and some traditional beliefs. People didn’t cooperate with response teams. Fear and disbelief have also been documented in Uganda as four contacts of the alert case ran away from response workers.

If people doubt they have Ebola – because symptoms of fever or vomiting are similar to other common illnesses like malaria and typhoid – they’ll seek healthcare from a range of places, including traditional healers and religious groups. And they could move to urban centres in search of better care. All of these behaviours increase the risk of a further spread of the virus and more deaths.

On the positive side, Uganda has the right basics to mount an effective response: experienced medical staff, knowledge and good infrastructure. The country has responded to four previous Ebola outbreaks. Its health systems are also in better shape than they were in three of the West African countries during the 2014/2015 outbreak. Health systems are as effective as the response and support they can get from the community.

But the ability of Ebola to spread must not be underestimated. There’s a knowledge gap about the actual start of the outbreak and the index (or first identified) case. This means the actual first human case of this current outbreak, coupled with increasing community infections and deaths, raises the risk of the outbreak spreading along the major highway to densely populated cities and neighbouring countries.

There’s no approved vaccine for this strain of Ebola – the Sudan strain. This is due to the focus on Ebola Zaire, the most deadly and infectious strain, which was responsible for the 2014/2015 Ebola outbreak in West Africa.

It’s therefore crucial that the region be prepared to work together to contain the spread of the virus. Drawing on my experience in the management of the 2014/2015 outbreak in West Africa, here are the five steps that might help East Africa curb the further spread of the virus.

1. Set up a robust cross-border surveillance system

To prevent a further spread, a cross-border surveillance system must be created that can quickly identify, test and isolate cases for treatment. This system must have direct, simple communication lines with minimal bureaucracy. For instance, teams should use mobile applications like WhatsApp.

One of the biggest weaknesses we faced during the 2014/2015 Ebola outbreak was that response workers in Liberia, Sierra Leone and Guinea weren’t able to communicate easily with colleagues in other countries. This resulted in the use of intermediaries, like the World Health Organization (WHO) office, which caused delays. We lost the critical element of speed – every hour counts.

Communities along the borders must be part of the surveillance system. Ebola response workers in West Africa created a network along the borders that helped them move with speed. Cross border preparedness meetings and direct communication on the progress of the evolving outbreak in Uganda will be crucial for containment strategies.

2. Create an army of community contact tracers

To curb the Ebola outbreak in East Africa a portion of the response funding must be used to create an army of case finders and contact tracers. They must know people within their community well and report cases that families may be trying to hide. Fears, ignorance and cultural beliefs and practices tend to make contacts reluctant to report themselves; or they escape from treatment centres.

A crucial factor in containing the outbreak in Liberia was the payments of monthly stipends from the United Nations Development Fund and WHO to local pastors, imams, community leaders, teachers, university students and high school students. These ranged from US$80 to US$350 a month.

This is key because it can turn communities from being hostile to becoming champions of the effort. It also helps to create trust.

At the height of the Ebola outbreak in Liberia’s Montserrado County – where the capital is situated – we had 5,700 community leaders working with the response teams. They were able to visit 1.6 million households and identify thousands of sick people who were then either classified as suspect or probable cases by the more trained contact tracers.

These volunteers defeated Ebola because communities trusted them. Flying in foreigners at great cost has been less effective because communities don’t have the same level of trust in them.

3. Recruit trusted messengers

Misinformation, disinformation and rumours make response efforts difficult. It can create great hostility to response teams. The recruitment of messengers trusted by communities, and armed with the right message, is key.

During the 2014/2015 oubreak, we targeted influential people within a community. They included a former fighter during the Liberian civil war – people respected him because he was a part of group that protected them from armed robbers.

4. Rapid field testing should be used

Fast testing and short turnaround times are crucial to isolating cases and preventing further spread.

In the West Africa outbreak, our teams would ask a family to isolate a suspected case in a different room. They would then draw blood and send the sample to the field lab. Within three hours we had the results. If the person was positive we moved them to the isolation centre. If negative, we asked them to self-isolate for 48 hours so we could test them again. This allowed the families to call us as soon as they suspected that one of them had fever.

We also did oral swabs of all dead bodies in the communities. This helped us to pick up cases of silent super spreaders who had spread the virus but were misdiagnosed in the community.

Both of these approaches helped us to restore confidence with the community and gave us much speed. 

5. Increase surveillance of all vehicles

Since this outbreak is occurring at a major road leading to Kampala and DRC, the surveillance of all vehicles is critical.

In Liberia, we recruited and trained motorbike riders and transport vehicle riders. We gave them ledgers and notebooks and embedded them with our surveillance teams. They tracked all sick people and even took records of drivers who missed work. These were visited at home to see if they were sick.

Tracing – documenting the full address and host – was done on all recent passengers. This helped us to tightly monitor the movements of people from the epicentre.


Mosoka Fallah is Part-time lecturer at the Global Health & Social Medicine, Harvard University, and Lecturer at the School of Public Health, College of Health Sciences, University of Liberia

Source: theconversation


  1. Dear Editor,

    I commend you for the great work. I have something l would like to share with the readers about my experience on regard to Ebola.

    My loved ones are so worried about me probably because they have not seen me since I began grappling with a very serious outbreak of Sudan strain of Ebola virus (EBV) for which no vaccine exists amidst scanty preparedness in terms of resources, specialists and supplies. I cannot even get to see them since mid-September 2022 when I was posted about 30 kms from Madudu in Mubende where I seem to care more for sick strangers than my own circle of friends and family. Down low is what I feel due to low morale as I struggle with the trauma, my relationships, and career.

    Personal protective equipment, expertise, and test kits are what I need most to survive in a resource-constrained system which makes it hard for me to alienate feelings of unworthiness and helplessness, and where fairness has always been placed on a pedestal. I deserve better as I try to cope with a plight in which I find myself silently picking up the broken pieces around me, trudging through to fulfil my obligations as a health worker.

    For sure, no one knows whether we will beat the EVD though my concern is to emerge each day healthy and flourishing so that I once again become relevant whilst sticking by my family.

    I neither want to give the impression of a knight in shining armor nor of a kraal leader in Karenga, Amudat, or Nabilatuk. I neither want to appear as a biblical savior nor be applauded for doing my job in this outbreak. I would be willing to do all I can and lay my life on the line if I have to as long as the system in which I operate recognizes my needs and concerns.

    I do not say anything just to draw your attention that I am a saint. I have looked death in the eye and handled many corpses including those of my colleagues. I do all this as a duty-bound professional and at my own volition. But I also want to see an environment that reassures me that we shall be victorious in the end.

    I just want a shot at life for myself and my loved ones. I just want to stay alive so that I can have the right to go back to the people I love. I just want to get my loved ones what they need- resilience, in a turbulent economic crisis that has been aggravated in part by the COVID-19 crisis and the soaring global energy and food prices.

    But I am drained, shattered, distraught and mislaid, yet I am just gathering the resolution to move on and so should you. Now is not the time to give up or left in suspense by my supervisors. Now is not the time to fall apart but to garner support to health care and timely provision of medical and humanitarian assistance to avert this crisis of uncertainty and fear.

  2. This humility even in the time of eminent danger

    They offer service:

    Continue requesting for support to Health care, tiimely provision of medical and humanitarian assistance

    Disturbingly the uninitiated feel all is well

    And do not be surprised that after all that service, when the clock churns and declares one ” useless” even the benefits, that are an entitlement are treated as a favour

    Ask those who worked un aware, handling blood and other body fluids without gloves over forty years ago!

    We pray that you come out intact

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