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Home / NEWS / Abongomola residents decry poor state of roads, accuse leaders of negligence

Abongomola residents decry poor state of roads, accuse leaders of negligence

Residents struggle to access the 20 km Abongomola trading center to Itekober trading center community access road

Kwania, Uganda |  THE INDEPENDENT |  Residents of Abongomola Sub County in Kwania district have raised concern about the poor road network in their area.  Farmers say they are counting losses due to exorbitant transport fares because of the poor road network in the sub-county.  

One of the roads that is said to be in sorry state is the 20 kilometer stretch that connects Abongomola trading center to Itekober trading center in Nambieso Sub County.  It is the main link between Abongorwot A and B, Bar-acer, Baracut, Adagwanya, Aburokec, Barilec, and Okwor Villages.  

The other is the 17 Km road that connects the Sub County to Kwania district headquarters through Abongomola to Aduku main road among others.  Our reporter visited the said roads and found them filled with mud and huge potholes, making them unmotorable.

Some of the residents interviewed, said floods have cut off access to Kwania district headquarters, Lira city and the neighbouring Dokolo, Amolatar and Apac districts. They claimed that the poor road network in the area has claimed the lives of six people within a period of two months.

Lydia Apica, Molly Ogwang and Charles Okwir, all residents of Baracut Village in Acungi parish Abongomola Sub County, say that most of the community roads are in appalling condition, which affects the transportation of agricultural produce to markets. 

They say produce trucks are forced to load half of their capacity so that they can maneuver through the rough roads. 

Jaspher Odongo, a resident of Abany-Imalo and tailor, says they are forced to hike the price of their commodities to meet the high transport costs.  Odongo blames district authorities of neglecting the area. 

Mary Akullo, another resident says people in the area struggle to reach health facilities. Akullo observes that the poor road network is also limiting traders from accessing the sub-county and in turn affecting the price of their produce.   

David Epet, the LC I Chairman Baracut Village in Acungi parish accuses the district leadership of swindling the money meant to rehabilitate several roads in the Sub County and negligence. 

Epet says that in 2016 government released Shillings 180 million under the NUSAF-3 Livelihood support for opening the 20 kilometer road stretch that connects Abongomola trading center to Itekober trading center but the money was allegedly misappropriated by the then Apac district leaders, an allegation the leaders have since denied.

The LC III Chairperson of Abongomola Sub County, Willy Alepo Acel, says the onset of rains is already worrying both the community and business persons who solely depend on agriculture for survival. Alepo, however, said they have already forwarded the matter to the district authorities for action.

He said the Sub County is faced with financial challenges. He, however, says that they have entered an agreement with Uganda National Road Authority-UNRA to open two roads in the area and the process is already ongoing. 

Geoffrey Eling Owera, the Kwania district vice-chairman who also doubles as the leader of government business attributed the poor road network to bad practices by some community members. Eling cited pulling of ox-plough on the roads and grazing animals on the roads. He asked the community to be vigilant and safeguard the roads.



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