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Comment, Last Word, Uganda Talks and Today’s News

Ex-Obote Minister Peter Otai to be accorded State burial

Kampala, Uganda  | THE INDEPENDENT | Peter Iloot Otai, the former Minister of State for Defense in Milton Obote’s government will be accorded an official burial. Otai, 79, died in London on of January 2nd. He has been in exile since 1980’s when the National Resistance Army, NRA took overpower. …

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Gov’t cancels three titles on Makerere university land

Kampala, Uganda  | THE INDEPENDENT |  Government has cancelled three titles awarded to Buganda Kingdom Princess, Faridah Namusisi Naluwembe Namirembe alias Bwanga Bwamirembe on Makerere University land.   The titles are for plots 14 and 45 on block 253 Kyadondo in Nakinyuguzi Zone and Plot 261 at Lukuli zone all, in …

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Parliament passes traffic and road safety bill

Kampala, Uganda  | THE INDEPENDENT |  Parliament has passed the Traffic and Road Safety Act 1998 (Amendment) Bill, 2019. The bill among others will strengthen road transport regulation and road safety management in Uganda, address existing challenges such as new and emerging trends, increased number of road users including motorcycles, increased …

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Judges seek training sessions for Electronic Case Management System

Kampala, Uganda  | THE INDEPENDENT | Several judges have confessed their inability to use the Electronic Case Management System and asked the judiciary to organise for them training sessions to acquire the necessary skills. This came to the fore during the 22nd Annual Judges Conference held under the theme “Discharging …

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Mak Dons bitter over Museveni comments on Arts courses

Kampala, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT | Lecturers in the Department of Social Work and Social Administration (SWASWA) at Makerere University have expressed disappointment with the continued undermining of their course by President Museveni. The staff say that their morale is low even as the new Semester resumes due to negative …

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Kagame: ‘I am not about to tell Rwandans to go to Uganda’

Kampala, Uganda  | THE INDEPENDENT |  Rwanda President, Paul Kagame has told diplomats in Kigali that he is not about to tell his citizens to return  to Uganda because he has no control over their safety while here. Addressing more than 60 diplomats at the home of the Presidency in Kigali on …

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MPs reject mandatory assistance to accident victims

Kampala, Uganda  | THE INDEPENDENT |  Members of Parliament have rejected a provision in the Traffic and Road Safety Act that makes it mandatory for road users to render assistance to accident victims.        This is one of the provisions in the Traffic and Road Safety Act 1998 (Amendment) Bill, …

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Masaka municipality on the spot over poor road works

Masaka, Uganda  | THE INDEPENDENT |  Masaka Municipality is on the spot over shoddy works and failure to account for funds meant for social services.  The 2019 Auditor General’s report which was released recently, faulted Masaka Municipality leadership for failure to provide proper accountability for funds allocated to them by central …

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