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Pope Benedict joins Twitter

By Ronald Musoke In a sign of the times, Pope Benedict XVI has succumbed to the temptation of the social media revolution by joining Twitter, one of the most popular social media platforms available today. The pope sent his first much anticipated twitter message using his personal account on Dec.12. …

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Human rights day

By Joan Akello This year’s theme is inclusion and the right to participate in public life for all people including women, youth, minorities to make their voices heard in public life and be included in political decision-making. Human rights, are aimed at ensuring that every individual is entitled to a …

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Uganda re-opens Bunagana Border

By Ronald Musoke Bunagana border post has been re-opened following one month of closure. The border was temporarily closed in mid-November to stop the M23 rebels from getting revenue which they were collecting from trucks ferrying goods through the rebel-held territory in the eastern part of the expansive Democratic Republic …

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DP warns government on oil

By Aloysious Kasoma Opposition Democratic Party has warned the government to handle the oil issue with care or else it can lead to political turmoil. According to DP there is enough evidence that president Museveni has personal interests in the industry “The available evidence indicates that President Museveni  has personal …

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