Friday , March 14 2025

American ambassador finally holds talks with Bobi Wine


FILE PHOTO: When the EU delegation in Uganda met Bobi Wine late last year. Today Bobi Wine had an introductory meeting with the new US ambassador, days before he make an appeal against the election results.

Natalie Brown finally meets Bobi Wine at Magere

Kampala, Uganda | RONALD MUSOKE | Natalie E. Brown, the U.S. Ambassador to Uganda has finally met and held talks with Robert Kyagulanyi Ssentamu, the President of the National Unity Platform (NUP) party.

Brown’s meeting with Kyagulanyi aka Bobi Wine took place on Jan.30, over 12 days after the ambassador was prevented from accessing him by the Uganda security forces on Jan. 18.

Kyagulanyi’s home had been besieged by the military and were under strict instructions not to let visitors into his’s home at Magere on the northern outskirts of Kampala. When Brown tried to visit Kyagulanyi on Jan.18, she was stopped and turned away by the security forces.

The American embassy said at the time that the ambassador wanted to check on Kyagulanyi’s “health and safety.” But the Uganda government through its Spokesperson, Ofwono Opondo, accused the U.S of trying to “subvert” the recent presidential elections which saw Yoweri Museveni declared winner with close to 59% of the vote cast against his closest rival, Kyagulanyi, who polled 35% of the vote.

However, on Jan.25, Court ordered the security forces to stop the confinement of Kyagulanyi and his wife, calling it unlawful and a violation of his rights. Kyagulanyi immediately began receiving guests with the very first high profile visitor being Kate Airey, the British High Commissioner to Uganda who paid him a courtesy visit on Jan. 27.


Brown’s visit

According to a statement posted on the American embassy’s Facebook page on Jan.30, Amb. Brown and Kyagulanyi “discussed the political situation in Uganda, the essential role that constructive political opposition plays in a democracy, the decades-long partnership between the people of Uganda and the United States, and the political transition in the United States.”

“On the eve of African-American History Month, celebrated in the United States each February, they also discussed America’s continued effort to achieve the promise of liberty and justice for all, the important legacy of civil rights leaders and ordinary citizens who have dedicated their lives to advance that goal, and how these experiences have influenced others globally in the pursuit for more inclusive and representative societies,” the statement reads in part.

Brown also commended the participation of candidates from across Uganda’s political spectrum in the country’s recent elections. However, she noted that the United States continues to be deeply concerned about the extrajudicial detention of opposition political party members, the reported disappearance of several opposition supporters, and continued restrictions on the NUP’s operations.

Brown reiterated that the United States does not take sides or support any specific candidate or party in Uganda’s elections.   She called for all political parties and their supporters to use constitutional, legal, and non-violent means to address complaints over election irregularities and emphasized U.S. support for the fundamental freedoms of expression, assembly, and movement.

“Political violence, repression, and intimidation have no place in democracies,” she said.


  1. Out of curiosity, did the Ugandan ambassador hold similar talks with Trump so as to calm his supporters especially after they violently stormed the capital in the wake of Trump’s refusal to accept the results? If not, this meeting was simply a photo-op with no tangible expectations. It has all the undertones of colonialistic nature in which the US or the West still think they can lecture Africans on how to “behave”…

    • But lets be realistic and look back at our historical change of leadership, who has ever taken power without using the and why do we that. Lets style up its our own making. We have failed to manage our own change, we only change after intense external pressure that’s the language we under so why do we give them such names.African leader should change

    • But lets be realistic and look back at our historical change of leadership, who has ever taken power without using the external surport and why do we do that. Lets style up its our own making. We have failed to manage our own change, we only change after intense external pressure that’s the language we under why do we give them such names.African leader should change, the late Mandela tried to give us an example but we have learnt nothing and forgot nothing, it’s a shame

    • Yaaa they should stop fooling us with there abasaders we can finish this 4 our selves and they never cheated bobiwine he should stop fooling others

  2. Bobi Wine is Europe’s and America’s puppet. He is the neocolonial agent that they had planned to install and have Museveni removed so that the imperialists and colonialists can continue having clout over Uganda. This Bobi Wine should be denied votes and even local social services and any business in the country. Even his songs are inspired by the imperialists who have refused to accept that Africans have their own ideas of governance. After his defeat, Bobi Wine is now trying to push the courts to hand him power. But Uganda courts are based on African values of anticolonial resistance. Bobi Wine is completely brainwashed and is eager to please his foreign backers, worshipping them like some demigods. After all, he is a worshipper of idols, meaning he worships Satan in order to achieve his aims of wealth and power. He has an inferiority complex and is not educated enough to know that those European people even believe he’s nothing but an inferior person, being Black and African. He does not understand anything about racism by the Europeans. In fact they, the white people, believe he’s the easiest tool they own to use to destabilize an African country. He’s doing the dirty work for white people to cause instability in Uganda, so that they, the white, can come and loot the resources of the country and rule over it like before. They have not given up their hope of regaining what they lost in the continent when African countries fought to remove them from power. At least Museveni stands for the country and is not a push-over and reflects the will of the people to remain independent. On the other hand, Bobi Wine wants to cause a Congo-like situation and give the imperialists a leeway to return here. Look at what they did to Libya! Give us a break, Bobi Wine and your foreign masters.

    • I am almost sure that you are racist and tribalistic yourself. You seemingly have a lot of unrealistic hatred for the White race. Calling them all sorts of names, colonialists, imperialists etc. It’s likely that your sentiments and emotions are guided by selfish benefits other than reason and wisdom. I hope you will not pick me and torture me or even kill me. Very sorry!!! Can you imagine a Ugandan( if you are one at all) suggesting that a fellow Ugandan should be denied social services,…..why? You are misleading. Where in Africa are whites ruling and stealing resources? Do not mislead others. Thank you.

      • I won’t dignify you with an answer, wrong as you are.

        • Please victor fight so much so that you atleast get little knowledge but other wizy u a ashaming our country and your family if u have it to

      • On Christ the Solid Rock I stand

        Well said Wilber!!!! In addition to being racist and tribalistic, there’s also so much religious intolerance in him; which is a form of violence and can be an obstacle to the growth of a true democratic spirit. Victor, unless you are on some payroll-I think we should grow above these selfish sentiments if God is to use us to bring healing to this hurting nation. Not everyone voted M7 so don’t think everyone thinks your way just because they’ve chosen silence for fear of the “creator that was not created”. The hearts of many Ugandans are bruised; don’t add more pain to these hearts. Preach LOVE not HATE.

    • You must really hate whites to type all this. I only wish you had typed it in our local language because the one you typed in is theirs. Let’s not spread the hate and move forward. We have a country to develop.

      • You probably have no idea what imperialism and colonialism have done to Africa or other parts of the world that were colonized. In fact, there are enlightened whites who express solidarity with the Blacks who have been brutalized by white power and white supremacy. Why should I type it in a local language? How then will they unlearn racism if we do not tell them about our experience with racism? There are whites fighting racist laws, racist systems, and attitudes right now. The problem with you is that you have a colonized mind and want to live as though the world is not racialized. If Nelson Mandela and others were not to fight Apartheid which is racism, how then would the majority have got any voting rights at all in a racist society? Wake up!

    • Kipto John Cheboriot

      Thank you Victor. Keep telling them. them. I fully agree with you. In fact from what has been transpiring and judging from the utterances, alliances and actions by Bobi Wine, am convinced beyond doubt that the fella is a TRAITOR and should be treated as such. He has sold his soul, mind and heart to the imperialists, and he should exposed and rejected. We are mobilizing against this imperialism and its puppets. We shall not allow our country to be sold by this gangster drug baron, who is nothing but a front for imperialism with their dirty tricks. President M7 on Liberation Day on 26th Jan 2021 unclothed these imperialists when he informed the whole world of UN troops being in DRC for 6 decades since murder of Lumumba on the pretence of keeping peace, yet DRC continues to wallop in instability as the imperialist friends of gangster Bobi Wine loot precious minerals, timber, and foment endless armed rebellions. Such is the type of anarchy that Bobi Wine thinks is good for our country. NEVER. WE SHALL RESIST THIS GANG!!

      • I think this is not a ot time to blame bobi wine we have to blame those hou ar stay in power 4 35 and above and we deminded by outsiders and we have to it’s like for 100 years and above so Ugandans we have to wake up killing it’s like a vodio game in our country if you don’t believe in their game that min that you’re of so as me I don’t think that’s how the country most RND

    • well said victor, the fact is that nup is a cult

  3. “Today Bobi Wine had an introductory meeting with the new US ambassador, days before he make an appeal against the election results.”

    They are instructing Bobi Wine. He is their puppet. Some of those ambassadors, when they return to US are just non-entities. But when they’re in Africa elevate themselves to some imagined superiority because they come from an imperial power. But look at what happened in the Capitol. Those were the most primitive and backward people ever seen on the face of the earth. They behaved like Barbarians, which they are.

    • You are so bitter and the bitterness you have will consume your health. Bobi wine needs his freedoms so do others. He was not fairly treated during the run up to the elections, during elections and after the elections. The playing field was not level. What has the US Ambassador and the whites done to you to deserve this negativity from you. You are using internet vriught it by them, a device brought nase by them, the clothes made by the and all that you have in you house, if you have any made by a white person and yet you want to insult them. Have a life.

    • On Christ the Solid Rock I stand

      Hahahaaa……you should read the book the “Greedy Barbarian” and compare notes then you will truly know who the barbarians are!!! The fact that the ones we have here are Africans doesn’t make them any different since their mission is to steal, kill and destroy.

    • Victor u may be upside down most of things u a using are made by the whites from the clothes u a using so get some knowledge don’t cut the tree which u are on. Thnks

  4. I honestly don’t support any political party in the country and love my fellow Ugandans but the way Bobi Wine is portraying our country globally is very displeasing. I am developing a very bad hatred towards him. Although he thinks Elections were Rigged, he needs to be patriotic not parading anything that comes in his mind on twitter, Facebook, etc. That’s selfish interests.

  5. It’s really sad that Ugandans can still have a poor mind about their own country, Their own home, their own destiny.
    I feel bad to see a young man like Kiwani singer being the same thing he sung in his own music.
    May be this campaign started long time ago and we did not know.

  6. You must really hate whites to type all this. I only wish you had typed it in our local language because the one you typed in is theirs. Let’s not spread the hate and move forward. We have a country to develop.

    • English is now an international language because the British empire introduced it all over the globe. I am not only communicating a message to the “owners of the language” but also to others with similar experiences of being ruled over by the imperialists and colonialists.

  7. Bobi wine is a freedom fighter , to my side museveni must leave the power because he is now old enough there are so many Ugandan who can lead the country apart from bobi, we are looking at bobi as someone who is so influencial and can bring change to our country let come what may museveni is a dictator .

  8. This political romance is quite intriguing!

  9. Dear Victor, you call the Us Uk and others opportuopportunist and so on, you have argued that they are using bobi wine to steal Ugandas wealth. But when it comes to borrow money and asking aid from them and military gears then they are not racism. Why do yoh talk of the young people killed every day by the state just because of not supporting m7, mean young people are in prisons and hospital, why dont you talk about it? Which country can keep quite when innocent people are murdered? you called M7 African hero, who recruited child soldiers in 1980s?

  10. kyagulanyi z a drug addict, betrayer and has no plans for d country, ug.he plans to legalise so called ganza. diz so called bobi z jxt a glove-puppet

  11. Karibu sana bwana Pastor. So much talk about the misunderstood colonialism and imperialism, usually used as cover by African leaders to plunder their nations. You don’t need to look further than late Mugabe’s Zimbabwe -a basket case now and using the USA $$$$$s as its effective currency.
    This is what happens when you blow the hand that feeds you by using excessive force on wanachi-citizens, and antagonising the donor community on which Uganda Govt depends so much for its economic development with billions of dollars pumped into budget support and infrastructure over 35 years. So however much you distrust wazungu- we need them help us in making it easy to put food on the table for ordinary wananchi.

    Our prayers and thoughts are with those facing inhuman torture and death in this modern age for just being an opposition supporter.

  12. I suggest we love our country first hatred is poisous Uganda is bigger than us those white guys are business men!! I love my country Uganda for God and my country 👏👏👏👏

  13. Diogo. I was just enjoying to read but let me write somewhat concerning this fake socalled ugandan victor.
    victor youre just selfish and full of lame excuses. Uganda as a whole needs a real transformation and be made free from power hungry rebels and dictators. Bobi Wine is the real answer and face of true democracy in uganda. Dont be so naive and miopic.
    Kids like you feel insecure in fear of what belongs to presided over by others of which you consider to yours.
    That kind of rigidity should be shunned bro. Stop weeing and lamenting this early. Do you know how many were killed by museveni??? The more you refuse Ugandans to be governed and served by him whom they’ve trusted, of course they’ll opt to seek helpe from a superior country like USA.

  14. Mr kyagulanyi should go forward because museven have stolen enough and picks little to invest in cows in Lwakitura saying that he earns 3 million only. So for him and MPs, who is bigger than the other because he pays 30 million to them? It indicates that he is a thief of the highest class. Secondly, do u think leading this country needs westerners only? Tribalism is too high in him. Goes to Victor who is very ignorant in brain

  15. Provbs 9: 10 The fear of the lord is the beginning of wisdom and the knowledge of the holy one is understanding.. I thank God that I have the wisdom to understand that these are the kinds of leaders that we need in uganda# people power # Bobi# Nup#…Can you imagine that even the blood flows Inside of me is #RED and not yellow # NUP# umbrella forlife

  16. hahaha, a puppet, colonialists, bla bla bla bla… kasasiro…… its very okay not to like some one and his actions. neither bobi nor Tibuhaburwa forged alliance with the the west, europe and other ethenities to potray what hurts the citizen of the republic of uganda. so when i read the posts judging a mans accessibility to resources that you also deserve. then i wonder what would you do if your are in his position. any way south africa was colonzied till when… how far it is by now???!!! ghana, Nigeria,, mention but a few… naye olwakuba mwee bamutakuta…hmmmmm

  17. Serve as if verbatim & in serrations: That this election was the most peaceful election in which any Judge ( s) who will lonely or jointly try to utter or speak his own interest like the past judgement 3 days ago will severely meet penalties from innocent Ugandan. British are as well quite aware that Bobi wine can not make any leadership but instead can act IDD Amin leadership very well. Finally ,Ugandan are preparing for 2026_2031 election but not this recent peaceful election. Museveni today, tomorrow and ever we pray.Congratulations voters for choosing holistic leader M7.

  18. Federo system will not work in Uganda. Uganda needs holy man like the one they elected. We shall continue voting him as long as he can continues uniting all tribes in Uganda. Bobi Wine is for marijuana smokers and drunkards communities but not a well sound mind with vigour character. Museveni don’t worry we are one. U did a lot & all are remarkable achievement. They are both tangible and intangible with good appearance.

  19. I don’t like politics but l love politicians for God makes them our leaders. I want to say none will hide the truth. A wise man learns from experience, friends, neighbors, and values others too. Proverbs 29:1-2 guides me to pray when it comes to time of politics for I know God uses both good and wrong leaders for a particular purpose. Who knew God brought late Idi Amin for a right mission for us Ugandans? I think everyone needs to portray integrity and we honor people integrity. Whether m7 continues rulling or wine comes in, they deserve respect respectively my dear. Thanks pastor and kizito for the truth though others might not have seen with brotherly love.

  20. We nid 2 just c ekigenda maaso!

  21. The banyakole have a proverb tat ” tinyinja wawe tabura echamuretayo” so these Americans there is a reason yy they are using bobi wine as their puppet yyy can’t they mind on there own country problems we never helped in there struggle 4 trump not allowing tat they won him pliz they should not blind fold us en they install bobi wine so tat they remuve m7 we know tat they are good actors they give us there sickness and give us the medicine enough is enough there is something behind tat, they want from ug the pearl of africa, u take a look on an action called black november, may God protect our country. AMEN………….

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