Friday , March 14 2025

ANALYSIS: Kasese killings

President Museveni. Government has called the HRW report shallow

 “The European Union believes a failure to fully investigate this tragedy will perpetuate insecurity, undermine the rule of law and deny the families their right to know the truth.”

The U.S. Mission in Kampala has also added its voice on those calling on the authorities to act on the report.

The Human Rights Watch says Uganda’s international partners should maintain a strong demand for accountability, including support for an independent and impartial investigation with international experts.

“The horrific events of November in Kasese warrant international scrutiny in an independent, impartial investigation that can determine all the crimes that took place, including potential crimes against humanity,” said Maria Burnett, who runs HRW in East Africa.

Human Rights Watch insists the government is under obligation to investigate any operation where there is such loss of life and should do so promptly. It adds that given limited prospects for a credible follow up by domestic authorities, an independent, impartial investigation, with international expertise, should be urgently conducted.

“The government should publish a more accurate death toll and facilitate the exhumation, identification, and return to family members all the bodies disposed of by police and the military in any location, guaranteeing the families’ safety,” the report reads in part.

The reports notes that the killings by the Ugandan military and police during joint operations in Kasese, on Nov. 26-27, last year, warrant an independent, impartial fact-finding mission with international expertise.

Human Rights Watch also noted that given Maj. Gen. Peter Elwelu’s command responsibility for the palace attack, he should be removed from command pending a full investigation, and should not participate in any internationally-supported training, conferences or joint exercises until investigations are concluded.

‘Shallow’ report


The government had dismissed calls for independent investigations saying the report lacks depth, especially on the genesis of the near breakdown of law and order, which almost plunged the Rwenzori sub-region into anarchy.”

A statement signed by Ofwono Opondo, the government spokesperson said Human Rights Watch should have noted in its report the fact that between July 7, 2014 and Nov.25, 2016, there were 23 attacks many of which were fatal, including 13 attacks in one day (July 7, 2014) on government security personnel by what the government calls a militia of the Rwenzururu kingdom.

The government says, directives were issued to the militias to disband in accordance with the laws, and in the interest of national security, but they regrettably decided to ignore all the calls thus necessitating the government intervention.

The government added that the HRW report ignored the death and casualties the militias inflicted on members of security forces and civilians over the two years.

The government also dismissed the HRW’s assertion that 16 children were killed during the operation. There is no evidence to back this “falsehood,” officials said, adding that the Uganda People’s Defence Forces (UPDF) has a well-documented record of protecting children, women and non-combatants wherever it has operated.

The government challenged Human Rights Watch to mention the families of missing persons and the alleged dead children.

The Rwenzururu cultural institution locally called the Obusinga Bwa Rwenzururu was reinstated in October 2009 when President Museveni formally recognized the kingdom and Charles Wesley Mumbere became the Omusinga, or king.


  1. Kasese was a total Massacre.Those who still think Museveni is a messiah have now discovered who he is.They blamed Obote,Obote,Obote,Obote yet the butcher of Ugandans is occupying Obote’s house in Entebbe.

  2. the brutality shown by Museveni and his bunch of thugs is beyond comprehension, how can anyone masacre people like this and still claim to be elected leader of the people? young men were picked from their places pf abode ion NYAKASANGA ON 27TH AND 28TH ONLY TO BE KILLED. THIS MUST STOP NOW

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