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ARTICLES 2008-2015

No health, no votes

CSO’s push for health centered manifestos A recent poll conducted in August 2014 by Columbia University reported that healthcare is the most important issue for Ugandan voters. Across two large public opinion surveys conducted in 2011 and 2014, voters cited healthcare as the most important issue for Parliament to address …

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Setting a standard in consultancy

By Ian Katusiime Amos Bagumire is the managing director of ABS Consulting Group, which recently won a World Confederation of Business (WOCOB) award in Las Vegas, USA. He spoke to Ian Katusiime about the consultancy industry in Uganda. What is the background of ABS Consulting Group? ABS Consulting Group is …

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Irene Bulyaaba; Florist

By Independent Team With the growing middle class, flowers now serve multiple purposes. They can be decorated at galas or during ceremonies, while other people have gone ahead to use them to beautify homes and offices.  In 2007, Irene Bulyaaba saw an opportunity in flowers and started out by starting …

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Disagreements emerge within TDA

By Ian Katusiime The Democratic Alliance (TDA), a coalition of opposition parties in Uganda is facing divisions among its members due to a sharp disagreement that has emerged over who should be its presidential candidate between Kizza Besigye and Amama Mbabazi, two of its leading contenders in the presidential race. …

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