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ARTICLES 2008-2015

Voice to the wild

By Agnes E. Nantaba Andrew Seguya is the Executive Director of Uganda Wildlife Authority. He spoke to Agnes E. Nantaba Any three things we don’t know about you? Quite few; I am one person who loves social engagement especially sports. I used to play soccer in my better days. I …

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Foreign TV wins

By Flavia Nassaka An evening of juggling regulators, advertisers, and audiences What a day it has been! I sigh as I put the key into the lock at my house. The warm air from inside hits me first, competing with smells from the fruit basket and the newly cleaned carpet.  …

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Drug resistance growing

By Flavia Nassaka Experts blame self-prescription, partial treatment In July when Northern Uganda was hit by unusual malaria, thousands were hospitalized and some died. The malaria was severe and caused convulsions even in adults. The malaria parasites were able to survive and multiply despite the administration and absorption of drugs …

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Nurturing entrepreneurs through incubation

By Flavia Nassaka The Uganda Industrial Research Institute (UIRI) is an incubation centre for entrepreneurship. Prof. Charles Kwesiga, the Executive Director spoke to Flavia Nassaka about business incubation and its future in Uganda. What are the key elements of your management philosophy as a CEO? For any director to succeed, …

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Margaret Kyamulabi – biomass entrepreneur

By the Independent Team Margaret Kyamulabi is a professional economist and auditor. In 2011, she decided to venture into producing and selling improved biomass products to generate extra income from an environmentally-friendly business. She makes improved household cook stoves and charcoal briquettes from maize cobs, husks, banana and cassava peels …

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