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ARTICLES 2008-2015

A global new deal

By Jomo Kwame Sundaram Public investment and basic social protection can turn around economies by creating millions of jobs Recent political developments, including the defeat of incumbent governments in France and Greece, suggest that the public’s tolerance for economic policies that do not reduce unemployment has collapsed. Indeed, given the …

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The Marketscope (Part 2)

By Dr. Robert Rutaagi Uganda’s competitiveness in the domestic, regional and global markets Niche’ and its adjunctive derivative ‘marketing’ is a terminology that is greatly abused. The word niche is of French origin, meaning “a small hole, in a large wall, usually used to hang a photograph or art craft”. …

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Ssebaana Kizito

By Eriasa Mukiibi Sserunjogi It’s almost as if he was born with a silver spoon in his mouth The year 198 seems to have been a wrong time to start a business in Uganda. Starting in 1966 or earlier, the economy took a plunge. Many Ugandans, especially professionals, had fled …

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50 years stoking people power

By Rukiya Makuma It is 50 years since Amnesty International, one of the leading international human rights advocates, first started issuing annual reports about the state of human rights in countries around the world. The agency recently issued its 50th report and Michelle Kagari, deputy programme director of Amnesty International …

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