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ARTICLES 2008-2015

Election petitions

By Mukiibi Sserunjogi Have judges resorted to ‘judicial activism’ to address election rigging? Before the High Court session that is currently hearing election petitions arising out of the February elections opened, few politicians had faith in resorting to courts if they felt their votes were stolen. One of the pessimists …

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Walk to work II flops

By Rukiya Makuma What next after opposition leaders are accused of failure to organise? On Oct. 16, a day before what Walk to Work organisers promised would be a massive resumption of the protests that paralysed the country in April, the Jinja highway was crowded with police patrol cars zooming …

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By Eriasa Mukiibi Sserunjogi and Agather Atuhaire Defending the Prime Minister may have left Museveni with a narrowing circle of allies. Is he worth it? NRM members unhappy with the way their chairman and secretary general are running the party voice one common grudge: their “leader is surrounded”. Ruling party …

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