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ARTICLES 2008-2015

Deadly sport

By Ronald Musoke Who cares about maimed victims, killed children? On the wet and cold Saturday morning his nephew, Abdallah Mawejje died, Ddumba Ssentongo was mainly speechless and distraught looking, with his eyes red from crying. On that day of July 12, Ddumba’s nephew became the third child to die …

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Basongora-Bakonzo conflict

By Emmanuel K. Tabaro The government’s response in Kasese (or even the greater Rwenzori) should not be military To understand the Basongora – Bakonzo conflict — ignoring the obvious, simplistic narrative being peddled by different interest groups — it’s imperative we look at Garrett Hardin’s economic theory, “the tragedy of …

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Uganda to review mining laws

By Julius Businge The Ministry of Energy and Mineral Development has started the process of revising some clauses in the mining laws to attract the highly mobile capital and finance needed to establish a modern and viable mining industry. The laws in question are; the Mineral Policy, which was put …

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