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ARTICLES 2008-2015

Rwanda’s rebirth

By Louise Mushikiwabo Rooting out the ideology that enabled genocide has allowed the rebuilding of nationhood Twenty years ago this week, the genocide against Rwanda’s Tutsis, the most brutally efficient killing spree in history, began. As the international community looked on – capable of intervening but unwilling to act – …

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On MPs kicking out UMEME

By Andrew Kibaya Is parliament really qualified to make such technical recommendations? The principal role of parliament is to make law for the proper governance of the country. Politics aside, Parliamentarians with their diverse regional, education, religious and social class outlook are equipped to make laws that address majority and …

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At last, a National ID?

By Independent reporter Uganda might finally stop being the `bad boy’ of the region Surname: Museveni.  Given Name: Yoweri. Nationality: UGA. Sex: M. Date of Birth:15.09.1944. Card Number: 000000001. Those are some of the entries on President Yoweri Museveni’s National Identity card. The President got his card on May 21, …

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Uniting against extremism

By Charlotte Keenan Governments must start addressing its root cause and thinking about education as a security issue Governments worldwide are increasingly facing a fundamental question: how to deal with the causes of violent – often religiously motivated – extremism. They are not short of advice – and from a …

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