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The Independent

King Oyo Praised for boosting Uganda’s Tourism Sector

Kampala, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT | Key players in the Tourism sector appreciated Tooro King Oyo Nyimba Kabamba Iguru for his visionary leadership which has led to several developmental reforms. Among these is the documentary “Rwenzori Source of Life” scheduled to be launched this Friday at the International University of East …

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MPs probe disappearance of Uganda’s properties in South Africa

Kampala, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT | Parliament’s Foreign Affairs Committee launched an investigation into the alleged disappearance of land titles for Uganda’s Mission in Pretoria and the Ambassador’s official residency. Both current and former ambassadors have denied knowledge of having seen these crucial documents during their respective tenures. The probe was …

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KCCA officials grilled over Lugogo Forest Mall

Kampala, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT | In a contentious session before the Parliamentary Physical Infrastructure Committee, KCCA officials, led by Kampala minister Kabuye Kyofatogabye and Deputy Executive Director David Luyimbazi, found themselves under intense scrutiny for the unauthorized extension of Lugogo Forest Mall. Legislators pointed to alleged double standards in dealing …

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Justice leaders gather to enhance service delivery

Kampala, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT | On Tuesday, the Principal Judge, Dr Flavian Zeija, chaired the Criminal Justice Stakeholder meeting at the Judiciary Headquarters, Kampala. Principal Judge Dr. Flavian Zeija chaired the meeting at Judiciary Headquarters. The purpose of the meeting was to review the progress of the Daily Hearings initiative …

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China backs Uganda on UN Security Council reforms

Kampala, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT | The People’s Republic of China pledged unconditional support to Uganda’s push for sweeping reforms at the United Nations Security Council, commended Uganda’s government for safeguarding African solidarity, and castigated external interference and politics of bullying. The Deputy Chairman of the Standing Committee of the National …

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Museveni meets with delegates from Italy

Kampala, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT | President Yoweri Kaguta Museveni met and held discussions with a delegation from Italy at State House Entebbe on Thursday. Mario Savona, the Deputy Head of Mission and chargè d’affaires ad interim of Italy in Uganda led the delegation. During the meeting, Mr. Savona informed the …

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Excitement builds as Ker Alur football finale nears

Pakwach, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT | As the 6th edition of the Ker Alur football competition hurtles towards its grand finale on Nov. 30, the counties of Jonam, Padyere, and Okoro find themselves in a heated battle for the coveted prize of Shs 4 million. Ker Alur, in collaboration with its …

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Lessons on project management

The book, ` How Big Things Get Done’ by Bent Flyvbjerg and Dan Gardner which was published this year in February. It explains why many projects fail (go over budget, time or are never finished) and what strategies exist to make projects less likely to fail. BOOK | THE INDEPENDENT …

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