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The Independent

Pallisa district service commission on the spot for selling jobs

Kampala, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT | Pallisa Resident District Commissioner, Kyeyune Ssenyonjo has tasked members of the district service commission to respond to accusations of selling off jobs to the highest bidder. According to Kyeyune, he has continued receiving complaints on the conduct of the district service commission members since he …

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Experts demand end to impunity in land conflicts

Kampala, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT | Land experts have said that promises by presidential candidates of solving land problems will not yield results if the impunity of the powerful and corrupt officials is not dealt with. Several presidential candidates have made promises of ending land grabbing and improving land security for …

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Muntu tasked to combat HIV stigma once elected

Kampala, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT | Young people living with HIV/AIDs in Lango asked ANT presidential candidate Mugisha Muntu to consider formulating and strengthening the anti-stigma policies against HIV/AIDs clients once elected president. Anti-stigma policies are customized guidelines put in place to reduce stigma. This includes types of behaviours that are …

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NRM and opposition in Kyotera blame campaign violence on police laxity

Kampala, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT | Police have come under fire from the opposition and National Resistance Movement-NRM party candidates in Kyotera district for alleged failure to contain the electoral violence there. Candidates from the rival political camps have been trading accusations for the electoral violence. However, the rival groups accuse …

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Jinja FDC supporters optimistic Amuriat will improve service delivery

Kampala, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT | Supporters of the Forum for Democratic Change-FDC presidential candidate Patrick Amuriat are optimistic that his leadership will improve service delivery within the region. Speaking to journalists at the side-lines of Amuriat’s campaign trail within Busoga sub-region, his supporters said that they think he will advocate …

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Hold NRM leaders accountable, Opondo tells journalists

Kampala, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT | The government spokesperson and director Uganda media center Ofwono Opondo has urged journalists in West Nile to help government by making its leaders account for time and resources. Addressing journalists at Desert Breeze Hotel in Arua on Sunday, Ofwono told journalists that its only through …

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Police arrest 50 year old woman for beating grandchild into coma

  Kampala, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT | Police in Busia district are holding a woman identified as Mwajibu Nakibiranga aged 50 years, accused by her neighbors of beating her granddaughter into coma. Mwajibu Nakibiranga, a resident of Mawero East B village, Eastern division in Busia Municipality is accused of beating a …

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