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Independent Reporter

Former MTN employee denied bail

Kampala, Uganda |  THE INDEPENDENT |  The Supreme Court has dismissed a bail application filed by a former MTN employee Joshua Magombe. Magombe was in 2015 sentenced to nine years in jail for unauthorized access to mobile money agent lines.   Magombe and five others gained access to the MTN mobile money system …

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Vendors want repossession of markets expedited

Kampala, Uganda |  THE INDEPENDENT |  A section of market vendors has written to Kampala Capital City Authority-KCCA Executive Director Dorothy Kisaka to expedite the repossession of markets by the government.   Last month, President Museveni directed that KCCA repossess all government markets, dissolve all conflicting leaderships and organize fresh elections. The …

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UNRA suspends ferry services on lake Bisina

Kumi, Uganda |  THE INDEPENDENT |  The Uganda National Roads Authority- UNRA has suspended ferry services on Lake Bisina following the increasing water levels.  The ferry that has been connecting Kumi to Katakwi District and Karamoja region across Lake Bisina stopped operations on Sunday following flooding at Omatenga and Kokorio landing …

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Floods submerge Rushebeya-Kitaraka footbridge

Rukiga Uganda |  THE INDEPENDENT | Floods have submerged Rushebeya-Kitaraka Footbridge in Rwamucucu Sub County in Rukiga district affecting the movement of residents. The half-kilometre footbridge snakes through Kitanga-Rushebeya wetland and connects Burime and Nyakagabagaba parishes in Rwamucucu Sub County as well as Kitunga and Ngoma parishes in Kashambya Sub County.   …

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Four arrested for NRM election violence in Katakwi

Katakwi, Uganda |  THE INDEPENDENT |  The Police in Katakwi district has arrested four people for allegedly masterminding violence during the NRM Party residual elections in Okore Sub County. The suspects include the Okore Sub County Chairman, Charles Ikabat, the LCI Chairman Ongopet Cell, Gabriel Ogele alias Abudieri, Jeff Aminu alias …

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DP calls for stringent measures against Human trafficking

Kampala, Uganda |  THE INDEPENDENT |  The Democratic Party-DP has asked the government to tighten the measures against human trafficking, saying many young Ugandans are likely to surrender themselves in the hands of traffickers because of the dire economic situation.   Government through the Gender, Labor and Social Development Ministry halted labour …

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Parliament disagrees with Museveni on taxing loss making companies

Kampala, Uganda |  THE INDEPENDENT |  Parliament has rejected President Yoweri Museveni’s proposal to tax businesses declaring losses in the current financial year 2020/2021. This is now the fourth consecutive time that the government’s proposal is suffering defeat.  The decision was taken during a debate on Tuesday, in which MPs reconsidered …

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Parliament approves UGX 200B for DRC road

Kampala, Uganda |  THE INDEPENDENT |  Parliament has approved 200 billion Shillings to support Uganda’s quest to jointly construct a 223-kilometre road with the government of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). Uganda and DRC entered a bilateral agreement to implement strategic infrastructure projects which includes constructing the road from Kasindi …

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