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Amid pandemic, White House race becomes digital dogfight

Washington (AFP)  The 2020 US presidential race is becoming a digital-first campaign as the coronavirus pandemic cuts candidates off from traditional organizing and in-person events. On the surface, President Donald Trump has the edge over Democrat Joe Biden because of the incumbent’s extensive digital infrastructure and large social media following. But …

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America’s unrest: why I am protesting

Minneapolis, United States | AFP |  A week of protests over the death of George Floyd, an unarmed black man, at the hands of a police officer in Minneapolis has rocked the United States. Tens of thousands of people, from all ethnic and demographic groups, have taken to streets in cities …

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In DR Congo, denial becomes major obstacle for virus campaign

Kinshasa, DR Congo | AFP |  “Corona is a reality. Protect yourself and protect others,” Mamie Batata, a worker with the Catholic charity Caritas, warns through a megaphone as she proceeds through Kimbanseke, a rundown part of Kinshasa. The reactions are blunt. “Get out of here.” “Leave us in peace.” “The …

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Zoom earnings soar as video meets become pandemic norm

San Francisco, United States | AFP |  Zoom on Tuesday reported that its earnings soared as its video-meeting service became a popular way to work or socialize while hunkered down due to the coronavirus pandemic. Zoom said it made a profit of $27 million on revenue that leapt 169 percent to …

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Parliament expunges 10bn displeasure motion against Oulanyah

Kampala, Uganda |  THE INDEPENDENT |  Parliament has expunged from its record a displeasure motion against the Deputy Speaker Jacob Oulanyah. The motion was passed at the height of controversies on the allocation of 10 billion Shillings that was given to the institution for interventions to control the spread of coronavirus …

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Algeria to release 2 protest leaders: opposition politician

Algiers, Algeria | AFP |  Two main figures of Algeria’s “Hirak” protest movement will soon be freed at the president’s initiative, the leader of an opposition party said Tuesday. “President Abdelmadjid Tebboune assured me that he would use his constitutional prerogative to ensure that Karim Tabbou and Samir Benlarbi regain their …

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House amends rules to provide for virtual parliament

Kampala, Uganda |  THE INDEPENDENT |  Parliament has amended its rules of procedure to allow for virtual proceedings in both committee and plenary sessions. This will allow Parliamentary business to run through a designated digital platform that enables MPs and staff to attend the meetings remotely. The amendment followed a directive from …

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La Liga’s new reality to bring optimism, discomfort

Madrid, Spain | AFP |  La Liga president Javier Tebas said Spanish football’s return will allow people to feel a sense of normality again but it may also serve as a reminder of an uncomfortable new reality. Spain’s top division is set to restart on June 11 and to be completed …

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Round Four: UK and EU back in the Brexit ring

Brussels, Belgium | AFP |  Trade negotiators from Britain and the EU embark on a fourth round of post-Brexit negotiations Tuesday but no-one in London or Brussels expects a breakthrough. Instead, once the latest cross-Channel video conferences are over, Prime Minister Boris Johnson and EU chief Ursula von der Leyen will …

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