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Independent Reporter

Europe’s Franco-German ‘motor’ sputters back to life

Paris, France | AFP |  President Emmanuel Macron and Chancellor Angela Merkel have jump-started the Franco-German “motor” at the heart of Europe by jointly pitching a hugely ambitious economic recovery plan, even if it faces a bumpy road ahead. Macron and Merkel, whose relationship has been shadowed by disagreements on several …

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Global CO2 emissions to drop 4-7% in 2020, but will it matter?

Paris, France | AFP |  Global CO2 emissions from fossil fuels are set to drop by up to seven percent in 2020 because of the coronavirus pandemic, but even this dramatic decline — the sharpest since WWII — would barely dent longterm global warming, researchers reported Tuesday. In early April, coronavirus …

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US hails Taiwan model, but impact on China to be seen

Washington, United States | AFP |  With its remarkable success in fighting the coronavirus and its democratic values, Taiwan is enjoying a groundswell of support in the United States whose leadership is eager to hold up the island as a model against China. Experts, however, doubt there will be a major …

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Coronavirus gives Trump big stage for pet medical theories

Washington, United States | AFP |  America, Dr Trump will see you now. While US President Donald Trump admits he’s not actually a doctor, he’s long been convinced of his scientific talents — and the coronavirus pandemic has given him the ultimate stage to test his theories. The Republican leader’s announcement …

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Shortage of clean water in Palaro sub county worries residents

Gulu, Uganda |  THE INDEPENDENT |  Residents of Palaro Sub County in Gulu are worried about the shortage of clean water in the fight against the spread of the Coronavirus (COVID-19). David Ngole, the Palaro Sub County Chairperson says that locals in the area are drawing water from open springs to …

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Relocation of kilembe hospital stirs anger

Kasese, Uganda |  THE INDEPENDENT |  The relocation of Kilembe Mines Hospital to Kasese town has angered residents of Kilembe Sub County. Floods hit Kasese District two weeks sweeping away all the buildings of Kilembe Mines Hospital. The floods washed away the medical store, kitchen, surgery rooms, private wards, and the …

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Variegated grasshoppers destroy crops in Kitgum

Kitgum, Uganda |  THE INDEPENDENT |  Several acres of crop gardens in various parts of Kitgum District have been invaded by the destructive species of variegated grasshoppers. The most affected are Manwoko and Bipong villages, both in Labongo Amida Sub County, where the grasshoppers are destroying maize, tomatoes, green vegetables, onions, …

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