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Independent Reporter

New districts trail in UCE

Kampala, Uganda  | THE INDEPENDENT |  New districts carved out of the top-performing districts have trailed in the just-released Uganda Certificate of Education-UCE results. A deeper look at the figures released by Uganda National Examinations Board-UNEB on today shows that districts created 2010, and those that started operations from 2016, are …

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Chinese firm applies for construction of 840MW Ayago dam

Kampala, Uganda  | THE INDEPENDENT |  A Chinese company Power China International Group Limited has submitted an application to construct the 840 Mega Watts Ayago hydropower plant on River Nile.   According to the Uganda Gazette this week, the company seeks a license for generation and sale of electricity from Ayago dam …

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Spain’s ‘Little Britain’ braces for Brexit

Orihuela, Spain | AFP |  On the sun-drenched eastern coast of Spain, British retirees, workers and small business owners are braced for an uncertain future after Britain leaves the European Union on Friday. “It is worrying what happens now,” said Karen Watling, 73, who moved to the Orihuela Costa in Alicante …

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UN warns world may pay ‘terrible price’ if it fails Sudan

Khartoum, Sudan | AFP |  A top UN official has warned that the international community would “pay a terrible price” if it fails to help rebuild Sudan’s dilapidated economy as the African country transitions to civilian rule. “The story of Sudan in year 2020 is not the story of the previous …

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Outcry in Guinea over police ‘human shield’ video

Conakry, Guinea | AFP |  Police in the West African state of Guinea are facing a storm of criticism over a viral video that apparently showed them using a woman as a human shield against stone-throwing protestors. The video, whose source cannot be independently verified but whose authenticity has not been …

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For some, Brexit means nailing your colours to a new flagpole

Madrid, Spain | AFP |  For years, he criss-crossed the globe almost weekly, travelling on a British passport without a second thought, raising funds for international non-profit organisations and working for the likes of Elton John and Nelson Mandela. But when Britain voted to leave the European Union, something changed inside …

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UGX 39.6 trillion budget framework paper approved

Kampala, Uganda  | THE INDEPENDENT |  Parliament has approved 39.6 trillion shillings budget estimates for the coming financial year 2020/2021. The approval during the sitting chaired by Deputy Speaker Jacob Oulanyah on Thursday followed the adoption of the Budget Committee report that recommended the passing of the National Budget Framework Paper …

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Farmer groups in Lira receive tractors

Lira, Uganda  | THE INDEPENDENT |  The Ministry of Agriculture, Animal Industries and Fisheries through the National Agricultural Advisory Services has distributed tractors to three farmer groups in Lira District.  The three groups are Nyeko- rac community Farmers’ Cooperative Society, Itek- okile Rice Growers and Multipurpose Cooperative Society Ltd and Bar …

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My appointment was based on merit-Anywar

Kitgum, Uganda  | THE INDEPENDENT |  The newly appointed State Minister for Environment Beatrice Anywar says that her new appointment was based on merit.   Anywar says the appointment is directly related to her past activism on environment conservation and notes that she is excited to prove to the appointing authority that …

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