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Independent Reporter

Court confirms NRM’s Nyakecho as Tororo North MP 

The Court of Appeal has reinstated NRM’s Annet Nyakecho as the validly elected Member of Parliament for Tororo North Constituency. This after three justices, Deputy Chief Justice Steven Kavuma, Paul Mugamba and Alfonse Owiny-Dollo allowed Nyakecho’s appeal against a decision of Mbale High Court Judge Patricia Wasswa Basaza who had …

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Rubanda MP Capt. Kahonda jailed

Ruhinda County MP Rtd Captain Donozio Kahonda has been sentenced to 9-months in prison at Kirinya after the Jinja Chief Magistrate’s Court found him guilty of  fradulently obtaining recruitment to the Military Academy in Jinja. Presiding Chief Magistrate Francis Kaggwa cancelled Kahonda’s bail Thursday after convciting him of several counts including …

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State wants court to cancel Dr. Stella Nyanzi’s bail

Hearing of the application in which Makerere University Researcher Dr.Stella Nyanzi is seeking a stay of the state’s request to have her head checked and compulsorily treated, has kicked off at Buganda Road Court. However before it could proceed, Resident State Attorney Jonathan Muwaganya implored the court presided over by …

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Today is national budget speech day

The Minister of Finance, Planning and Economic Development Matia Kasaija will today present the financial year 2017/18 national budget which is expected to hit Shs29 trillion up from last year’s Shs 26.3 trillion. Kasaija will read the budget to parliament on behalf of President Yoweri Museveni who will later comment …

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Dr Stella Nyanzi returns to court on Thursday

Hearing of the application filed by Makerere University Researcher Dr. Stella Nyanzi  to halt cyber crime proceedings against her, has been pushed to tomorrow June 8, 2017. This is because prosecution’s Jonathan Muwaganya has not physically seen Dr.Nyanzi’s application to be in position to respond to it, which prompted Magistrate Ereemye …

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