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The Independent

Min­is­ter Tumwe­baze to be sum­moned by Par­lia­ment over SIMs

Kampala, Uganda| PWATCH UG|  The Speaker of Par­lia­ment Re­becca Kadaga has vowed to com­mit ICT Min­is­ter Frank Tumwe­baze to the Rules Com­mit­tee for con­tempt over implementation of deadlines for SIM-Card reg­is­tra­tion. Kadaga says that Uganda’s Ex­ec­u­tive has “dis­re­spected the voices of the peo­ple”, which is parliament. “This is un­ac­cept­able and can­not …

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Macron visits French troops in Mali’s restive north

Gao, Mali | AFP | President Emmanuel Macron visited French troops fighting jihadists in conflict-torn Mali on Friday and urged faster progress on a peace accord signed in 2015. At the end of his first week in office, Macron flew into Gao, a city in Mali’s deeply-troubled north, where he …

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Nigeria: After Buhari…?

With president Buhari on medical leave again, ambitious figures are positioning themselves favourably for what might happen next. Lagos, Nigeria| AFRICAN ARGUMENTS|  Secrecy creates suspicion. In the cutthroat arena of Nigerian politics, it can also reveal ambition. The ongoing silence around of the health of Nigeria’s president has done just …

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CONFIRMED: SIM-card registration deadline stays

The deadline of May 19 set by government for all unregistered SIM-cards to be switched off (voice communication only for a start) will stand, Frank Tumwebaze,  Minister of ICT and National Guidance has confirmed. “The deadline of 19th May set by government will be enforced at Midnight,” Tumwebaze told the press on …

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Minister Kabafunzaki bribery trial date set

Hearing of the corruption case against embattled Minister of State for Labour Herbert Kabafunzaki together with his political assistant Brian Mugabo and an interior designer one Bruce Lubowa has been fixed for June 28 before the Anti-Corruption Court. This after Prosecution’s Maxim Erizooba informed court Thursday that investigations in this …

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Uganda’s Eng. Nabulumba picked as Africa Prize finalist

Uganda’s Hindu Nabulumba, 25, who designed a knowledge-sharing network for teachers and students is now in the last four finalists for the prestigious £25,000 Africa Prize for Engineering Innovation. Nabulumba’s Yaaka Digital Learning Network brings education to those who can’t get to school or university. It is designed as an interactive …

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Speaker summons Gender Minister over ‘Im­balu ban’

Kampala, Uganda | PWATCH UG| The Speaker of Par­lia­ment, Re­becca Kadaga has di­rected State Min­is­ter for Gen­der, Labour and So­cial De­vel­op­ment Peace Mu­tuzo to make a state­ment be­fore the House on a pro­posal to ban  the tra­di­tional Bugisu cir­cum­ci­sion cer­e­mony called Im­balu. Mu­tu­uzo, while ad­dress­ing jour­nal­ists at the Uganda Me­dia Cen­ter last …

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Parliament screens UK PM Ques­tion Time to help Ugandan legislators

Kampala, Uganda | PWATCH UG| Uganda’s Par­lia­ment has started airing the UK Prime Min­is­ter’s Ques­tion Time from the House of Commons for its legislators. The 45-minute ses­sion was in­tro­duced dur­ing the 9th Par­lia­ment to al­low MPs ask the Prime Min­is­ter ques­tions of na­tional im­por­tance and pol­icy mat­ters but the Speaker Re­becca Kadaga and her …

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IN THE INDEPENDENT: Museveni locked in intelligence fight

In the Independent this week COVER STORY Museveni locked in intelligence fight: Reports on Tumukunde, Kayihura, Muhwezi, Muhakanizi THE LAST WORD Why Kayihura remains IGP: His contract was renewed because his enemies in government underrate him, opposition demonise him. NEWS ANALYSIS Proposed KCCA law: Museveni’s latest plan to kick Lukwago …

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