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The Independent

Anti-Homosexuality Bill gets MPs nod, sent to President

Parliament finally passes bill to criminalize LGBTQ Kampala, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT | Parliament on Tuesday unanimously passed the Anti-Homosexuality Bill, 2023 that criminalizes Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer– LGBTQ activities. Under this new law, people who publically declare that they belong to the LGBTQ community face between 2-10 years …

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Tanzania confirms first-ever cases of Marburg virus

Kagera, Tanzania | THE INDEPENDENT |  Tanzania has confirmed its first-ever cases of Marburg Virus Disease after laboratory tests were carried out following reports of cases and deaths in the country’s north-west Kagera region. Tanzania’s National Public Health Laboratory analysed samples to determine the cause of illness after eight people …

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UMSC: Ramadhan to start tomorrow

Kampala, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT | The Muslim’s holy month of Ramadhan will begin on Thursday, March 23, according to Dr. Ziyad Swalleh Lubanga, the Director of Sharia at the Uganda Muslim Supreme Council-UMSC. Dr. Sheikh  Lubanga also announced that Taraweeh prayers at the National Mosque and other mosques across …

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EALA elections case dismissed for lack of jurisdiction

Kampala, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT | The High Court in Kampala has dismissed a case filed by Gilbert Agaba and three other former candidates who participated and lost in the East African Legislative Assembly-EALA elections last year. Acting High Court judge Dr. Douglas Karekona Singiza, ruled that his court did not …

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Police investigates Nswanjere Seminary raid

Mpigi, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT | Police are investigating an incident of aggravated robbery at Nswanjere Junior seminary school in Muduma Sub-county in Mpigi District around 3 am on Monday. The Kampala Metropolitan Deputy Police Spokesperson, Luke Owoyesigyire explains that unknown assailants gained entrance into the school by cutting the …

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CASH CROPS: Museveni rallies NRM Whips to support value addition

Entebbe, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT | President Yoweri Museveni has called upon NRM parliamentary whips to support government efforts of adding value to agricultural products before export. In a meeting held at State House Entebbe, the President told the National Resistance Movement (NRM) Parliamentary Regional Whips that coffee, cotton, maize, …

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Temporary driving licensing center opens in Lira

Lira, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT | The Ministry of Works and Transport has opened temporary offices in Lira City to issue driving licenses for the next six days. Dubbed the “Mobile licensing System”, the center started operating on Monday ahead of the planned opening of a permanent licensing center for the …

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UNICEF unveils tele-teaching technology to Ugandan schools

Adjumani, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT | It was a groundbreaking Monday at St Mary’s Asumputa Senior Secondary School in Adjumani District as senior one students were treated to a biology lesson conducted from Kitende Secondary School over 480 kilometres away. The two schools were linked seamlessly thanks to video conferencing …

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