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The Independent

Increase budget for PWDs- Gender Minister

Kampala, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT | The Minister of State for Gender and Culture, Hon. Peace Mutuzo has asked Parliament to consider approving the proposed budget increase for Persons With Disabilities (PWDs). She said that the current budget of Shs2 billion is insufficient and cannot support the 12.8 million PWDs. “In …

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The man I knew

Remembering Rt. Rev. Dr. Livingstone M. Nkoyoyo Kampala, Uganda | REV SAMUEL MURANGI | It was 1986. I had finished junior high school in Fort Portal, Uganda and moved to the Capital City Kampala, in search of an opportunity to pursue high school education. Mukono Diocese, which was only two years …

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Erdogan, Trump consider creating security zone in Syria

Ankara, Turkey | AFP | Turkey’s President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and US counterpart Donald Trump mooted Monday the creation of a “security zone” in northern Syria as tensions rose over the fate of Kurdish fighters in the war-torn country. In a telephone conversation, the leaders “discussed the idea of creating …

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Parliament Week 2019 starts with charity walk

Kampala, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT | The Parliament Week 2019 has commenced with a charity walk aimed at raising funds for the construction of a centre for persons living with albinism. The charity walk was flagged off by the Deputy Speaker of Parliament, Jacob Oulanyah, at Parliament Building on Sunday 13 …

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17 fishmongers dead in Panyimur accident

Kampala, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT | Seventeen fishmongers mainly women have been killed and scores of others injured in a tragic motor accident in Pakwach district. The fishmongers were killed in Panyimur on Sunday while traveling aboard a Fuso truck registration number UAV 118 F to buy fish at Panyimur Market. …

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DR Congo court to examine election appeal from Tuesday

Kinshasa, DR Congo | AFP | DR Congo’s Constitutional Court said it would start hearing Tuesday an appeal against presidential election results that gave victory to opposition leader Felix Tshisekedi. “The Constitutional Court will start examining the appeal by Martin Fayulu tomorrow, from 9:30 am (0830 GMT),” press officer Baudouin …

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Fuel protests turn deadly in Zimbabwe

Harare, Zimbabwe | AFP | Violent protests in Zimbabwe claimed lives on Monday as soldiers were deployed after the embattled government more than doubled fuel prices, sparking widespread anger. Protesters burnt tyres and barricaded roads while cars were torched as demonstrations turned violent in the capital Harare and Bulawayo, Zimbabwe’s …

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Macron unveils ‘great national debate’ to calm protests

Paris, France | AFP | French President Emmanuel Macron on Sunday spelled out the questions underpinning his “great national debate”, a public consultation aiming to quell “yellow vest” anger after nearly two months of sometimes violent protests. Macron made his appeal in a “letter to the French” released on Sunday, …

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Hundreds injured in months of Algeria football violence

Algiers, Algeria | AFP | More than 300 people were injured in football-related violence during the first four months of Algeria’s football season, with hundreds arrested, police said on Sunday. Algeria has for years seen nearly weekly violence at football stadiums between supporters, while police and players have also been …

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