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Home / COLUMNISTS / Andrew Mwenda / Bobby Wine’s Ziggy Wyne

Bobby Wine’s Ziggy Wyne

Over the last decade, there has been a huge shift in government budgeting from consumption to investment – roads, dams, power lines, water pipes, hospitals and schools. Defiance and its bastard child, People Power, hate to hear this. They know that the good things happening in our country are contrary to their political interests. Therefore they insist that there is nothing good being done. All there is are the bad things they complain about – which also happen – and which are driving people’s momentary anger.

Hence, they exaggerate the level of decay and disregard and deny all the improvements in the country. They insist that everyone in Uganda should accept this gross distortion of reality. They do not seek to convince or persuade anyone to their point of view. They believe in using cyber bullying and psychological terror against all who disagree with them. This way they seek, like the European fascists of old, to rally everyone behind their cause by sheer use of psychological terror.

The aim of this strategy is obvious: bully everyone to believe change is urgently needed to rescue Uganda from catastrophe. They don’t want people to question the change they propose or ask for their alternative policies or even question their intolerant behavior. To question their lack of policy alternatives and the crudeness of their methods is evidence of having been bribed by Museveni.

For them politics in Uganda is a clash between good (People Power) and evil (Museveni); that these are the only alternatives available to us; that to say there is a third or fourth alternative is disguised support for Museveni; that evidence that someone wants change is fanatical, unthinking and unquestioning support for Defiance and People Power. Many young people have been pushed into this because to do otherwise is to get ostracised from your circle of friends.

We are told that if Defiance and People Power supporters exhibit intolerance, we should not blame them, as this is only an inevitable result of Museveni’s politics; that when People Power uses violence, intimidation, cyber bullying, blackmail, character assassination and insults against its opponents, this does not reflect on the nature of government they will run; that Uganda needs change and it does not matter which methods are used or the behavior of the groups who bring it about. That lies, slander, cyber bullying are “weapons of the weak” fighting to end tyranny.

People Power is not a stupid cult. It has a clear strategy. Lacking a serious policy alternative and being composed of the worst elements of our society, it needs to sell change as an emergency needed to save the country from catastrophe. To avoid questions about its competence and values, it needs to suppress all dissent using physical and psychological terror. And to compensate for lack of alternative policies or better values, it positions itself as a religious-like cult.

Yet Defiance and People Power have failed to subdue the spirit of our nation. Increasingly many journalists are finding the courage to stand up for the truths and defend it against this demented cult. The story of Zigy Wyne is one such example. Everyday, multitudes of elite Ugandans are coming out to say that politics must be about values. That the role of our leaders should be to articulate these values and impart them on their followers, leading by example; that leaders should not pander to the worst instincts in their followers but try to appeal to the better angels in them. Everyday my faith and pride in Uganda grows.



  1. ejakait engoraton

    FOR one entity to try and discredit is not a new thing in politics, not only in UGANDA but the world over, the difference being the civility with which it is done.

    YOU do not have to go back in my postings to know this, in fact only in the last THE LAST WORD where I quoted what WILLIAM PIKE initially did for the NRM/NRA before he even stepped a foot in the LUWEERO jungles was to make sure, through his friend at THE GUARDIAN , ELIZABETH was her name if I recollect, that nothing positive was said about the UPC government.

    LIKEWISE, on his visit to LUWEERO where he brought the video I mentioned (it was at some point aired on UTV with the voice over done by Ambassador ERNEST RUSIITA), he also brought back some photos, which he showed to an audience at the William Goodenough hall at RUSSELL SQUARE, some of the photos which were meant to show the brutality of the UPC government were staged photos. THIS I mentioned to PIKE at the time and gave him my reasons, a fact he later acknowledged when he was at the NEW VISION and told me he was a little embarrassed and regretted that he had been so naive at the time.

    SO for anyone to try and use information, authentic or otherwise, and even to downplay the ” achievements” of the NRM is not anything unusual.

    Right now , theories are flying about regarding the death (assumed suicide) of EPSTEIN , a known sex trafficker who had connections to high profile individuals including TRUMP and Prince ANDREW.

    BUT to MWENDA , just because BW and the opposition is involved…………..

    MAN, style up!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. ejakait engoraton

    THAT the NRM/M7/Uganda government KIDNAPS, TORTURES, KILLS is NOT in doubt.

    THAT they did none of these to ZIGGY is an exception.

    When a crime is committed, the police have a list of suspects and many times, certainly very many times in UGANDA , the wrong suspects have been and continue to be arrested. Even for just being suspects, they are kidnapped( rather than arrested) tortured or persecuted (rather than prosecuted), and if not lucky can and have often ended up dead.

    SO it was not beyond the stretch of imagination, where most have now come to regard the NRM government guilty until proven otherwise, for people to assume (wrongly it seems for once) , that ZIGGY had died as a result of an accident. THE MO of his death bore all the hallmarks of NRM government handiwork.

    SO , yes M 9, the opposition got it wrong and probably owe an apology, but how many times have the government made an apology to anyone, even when they have killed innocent citizens, including children and old people.

    • What became of Susan Magara murderers? Is the judiciary waiting for a facilitation?
      Let us assume for the sake of debate that NRM has done wonderfully, what became of ‘the best dancer leaving the floor at a point in time’? A person who finds a railway system fully functioning and at a certain time decides to vandalise the tracks to sell to steel mills, isn’t it actionable?

    • “Suspects are kidnapped not arrested.” That’s a big indictment for this government.

  3. “…… that when People Power uses violence, intimidation, cyber bullying, blackmail, character assassination and insults against its opponents………”

    When did People Power use violence and to whom was their “violence” directed? On the contrary it’s the regime which uses violence to contain People Power supporters. There’s enough footage to prove this.

  4. You have a very down to earth and impartial
    Unequivocal jornolistic skills. You are sticking
    To the point while exhibiting the proper and articulate
    side the day dreamers of people power who are so
    Prone to the fascistsic indoctrination

  5. I have now began to believe that indeed Ziggy Wine died in an accident because of the following reasons;
    1.Most Ugandans who arrive at a scene of an accident first rob the victims of their valuable items perhaps thats why he had no identification card and phone with him.
    2.People power chose to be silent when he was alive and still in hospital.
    3.The witnesses seem to be credible coz they did not know him despite the personalized number plate of his bike.
    4.Most Boda Boda riders are reckless in the way they ride and they are normally under the influence of weed or alcohol especially at night.
    5.The fact that no one knew him despite his personalized number plate means that he was riding on a road he was not familiar with.
    6.Why r Ugandans allegedly being kidnapped and why are they all from Bantu speaking tribes?Its because most of them are not honest in their Business dealings and most of these kidnaps are as a result of either business gone sour or infidelity.
    7.Rwasubutare please spare us your Railway talk;How can you be proud of a railway line that was one way i.e If you traveled to Tororo you had to wait for 3 days to return to Kampala coz the Kasese line was in use.
    8.@ Rajab who gave you Basoga permission to sell sugarcane in Kenya?Dont you know that Regional Trade have investment rules and guarantees like Non Traffic Barriers,Custom Union,Free Trade areas?Did you
    bother to ascertain what EAC regional trade guarantees are being effected?You Think Kenyans transact Business like Ugandans?

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