Friday , March 14 2025

Brazil court suspends export of live animals for slaughter

Sao Paulo, Brazil | AFP | A Brazilian judge has suspended export of live animals for slaughter, citing concerns that they are transported in cruel conditions.

Exports can only restart when guarantees of adequate treatment are provided, Judge Djalma Moreira Gomes in Sao Paulo wrote in his late Friday decision, published in the local media.

The injunction was in response to a case brought by an animal rights group, National Forum for the Defense and Protection of Animals.

The forum’s civil suit cited conditions aboard the ship “Nada,” currently docked in Sao Paulo’s Porto de Santos with about 27,000 heads of cattle owned by Minerva Foods and bound for Turkey.

A veterinary report found that the animals were held in tiny and unhygenic spaces.

Gomes wrote he was accepting the petition “to prevent the export for slaughter of live animals, from throughout the national territory, until the destination country adopts slaughter practices in line with those of the Brazilian legal system.”


Animals currently aboard the “Nada” must be taken off, he said.

“It can only continue its voyage after the complete disembarkation of the live animals.”

The same judge had issued an initial court order on Thursday to stop the ship from leaving port.

The animal rights group bringing the case said it had received “huge support” from other activists.

The case “represents an extremely important point in the history of Brazil’s protection and defense of animals,” said Patrycia Sato, from the Animal Forum, in a statement.

“We hope that the export of live animals will be definitively banned.”


  1. Thanks Independent, Brazilian activists are UNITED for animals, Go vegan!!! Your article will be spread worldwide!! Thanks again!!

  2. Sergio Augusto da Silva

    Ativistas do Brasil pedem ajuda para os ativistas no mundo, protestar contra a Turquia e outros países que compram animais vivos do Brasil. Façam que chegue as notícias na mídia mundial. Maus tratos, crueldade. Animais atolados de merda, machucados, recebem choques, triturados vivos quando doentes … 12 horas em pé por vias terrestres e mais de 15 dias em pé ou deitados na merda nos navios. Brasil deve ser indiciado pela ONU por maus tratos aos animais. Go Vegan. Acompanhe

  3. Sergio Augusto da Silva

    Laudo veterinário comprovando maus tratos.

  4. Os moradores da baixada santista, está acompanhando o sofrimento dos bezerros submetidos ao embarque do navio NADA,no porto de Santos.Estamos revoltados e tristes com o que está ocorrendo; poluição ambiental e maus tratos aos animais.Chega de abuso e maus tratos contra os animais e degradação ambiental.

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