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FDC loses out again in Uganda’s EALA elections

NRM’s six candidates led the poll

The Forum for Democratic Change (FDC) has for a second time been locked out from a team of nine to represent Uganda in the East African Legislative Assembly (EALA).

NRM’s six candidates Rose Akol (370), Paul Musamali (350), Mary Mugyenyi (341), Mathias Kasamba (359), Denis Namara (329) and George Odong (346) topped the polls, with the three opposition places going again to DP’s Fred Mukasa Mbidde (311 votes), Independent Susan Nakawuki (298 votes)  and UPC’s Christopher Opoka (274 votes).

Ingrid Turinawe got 25 votes.

An MP reacts when Ingrid Turinawe was campaigning today. PHOTO PARLIAMENT MEDIA


FDC party’s Ingrid Turinawe was booed by the majority of Uganda’s parliamentarians as she campaigned for one of nine place in the East African Legislative Assembly (EALA) on Tuesday.

Speaker Rebecca Kadaga called MPs to order over and over as a screaming match between the opposition and the NRM members ensued as soon as Turinawe was called to campaign before voting that is due this afternoon.

“We have refused Turinawe because she behaves badly” the MPs chorused.

She stood her ground, and lashed out at the MPs.

“I came to Parliament expecting this kind of behavior and I have been entertained.  I have the passion, when I stand for a cause no one can put me down,” Turinawe replied.

“At the end of the day, I am a winner, I have exposed who you are on national television, I am a winner.”

MPs have accused Turinawe of calling them pigs before, and for being behind several incidents when they have been thrown outside parliament to show displeasure with the way the house operates.

In contrast, her FDC colleague Florence Ibi had earlier been cheered on by both the MRM and FDC MPs as she campaigned.

The 47 candidates are vying to represent the country at the Arusha based EALA for the period 2017 – 2022.

Among the favorites to go through are DP candidate, Fred Mukasa Mbidde, NRM’s six candidates Rose Akol, Paul Musamali, Mary Mugyenyi, Mathias Kasamba, Denis Namara, George Odong, Independent Susan Nakawuki  and UPC’s Christopher Opoka.


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