Kampala, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT& XINHUA | Reports from Uganda’s capital Kampala indicate government has switched back on the internet Monday, midday. However social media remains blocked, with access to it only through a Virtual Private Network (VPN).
Government had said they switched off social media and the internet, fearing that it would be used to spread messages of hate and violence amid the country’s general elections held on Jan. 14.
Ofwono Opondo, government spokesman told Xinhua by telephone that the internet had been switched on after data collected indicated that there would be no violence.
“Internet was switched off because people wanted to spread messages of hate and violence, as well as discredit the integrity of our elections,” Opondo said.
“We think now people have come to terms with the results. However, we remain on alert,” he added.
On Jan. 13, a day before the country went for presidential and parliamentary elections the internet was switched off.
“Whatever was done was done for the good of the country. The opposition was affected and the ruling party was also affected. Even the general public was affected,” Opondo said.
Although the internet is now on, social media is still blocked.
To conduct elections, the Electoral Commission said they were given a special facility to transmit the results from districts to the national tally centre at Kyambogo.
The head of Election Management at Electoral Commission Kiyimba Umar said they got a special internet connection to enable the electronic transmission of results.
He said in a phone interview that their internet worked perfectly. This despite a shutdown which affected the entire country, when the government moved to block access to the Worldwide web.
The shutdown which was enforced on the eve of elections, came moments after President Yoweri Museveni accused Facebook of interfering with the electoral process. This was in reference to the removal of hundreds of Facebook accounts that were run by pro-NRM bloggers in Kampala claiming they were fake and duplicate accounts used to make content appear more popular ahead of the elections.
In the aftermath, the Executive Director of the Uganda Communications Commission-UCC Irene Sewankambo ordered telecom companies to immediately suspend any access and use of social media and online messaging platforms. Service providers such as Airtel and MTN Uganda subsequently alerted their subscribers about the suspension.
As for how they got connection yet the internet was shut down completely, Kiyimba said: “that is not a question for me to answer.”
After voting and counting at polling stations, results were according to the EC transported to the district tally centres where district registrars will sum votes result from polling stations. Its these district results that were transmitted electronically to the National Tally Centre at Kyambogo University for the official announcement of winners.
BREAKING NEWS: Internet Shutdown, voting starts https://t.co/uuOrj0JLLy
Advertisement— The Independent (@UGIndependent) January 14, 2021
LIVE: EC’s Byabakama releases first results https://t.co/qk2PUrs43P
— The Independent (@UGIndependent) January 15, 2021
LIVE:Election boss Byamukama dismisses Kyagulanyi’s alleged rigidity of elections as Museveni lead https://t.co/qKVfBkixrk
— The Independent (@UGIndependent) January 15, 2021
LIVE: Museveni Declared Winner of 2020 Uganda Presidential Elections https://t.co/qOCSCctYmo
— The Independent (@UGIndependent) January 16, 2021
LIVE:Museveni celebrates victory https://t.co/RKnvXQ9pXH
— The Independent (@UGIndependent) January 16, 2021
PARLIAMENT: 23 ministers, 3 NRM bigwigs kicked out https://t.co/ZYhvbxqpEk
— The Independent (@UGIndependent) January 17, 2021
The Independent hasen’t expressed its view on the election, what Ugandans are doing or saying, WHY?
From outside Uganda, all we can do is wait for actions from Ugandans, as it’s them the main actors in the election that decided Museveni rules them for 40 years officially, legally, constitutionally!
As long as Ugandans are quiet, go along with the result, no outsiders will cause trouble for them, especially as the tribalistic system stands firm with tribal leaders silent, just living in peace!
So, what do we, from outside Uganda do now, congratulate Museveni & wish him the best?
It appears Ugandans are also at peace with the result of the election, right?
You are right.
The whole Nation is Satisfied with the Results.
Thanks for Your Prayers, even when I disagree with Your Views on Tribalism which does not exist as everyone thinks.🙏🙏🙏🙏👍
Uganda is not at peace but the level of intemedation by those in power is beyond bearable. People are annoyed, disappointed and ready to rise against the rigidity of votes which was done in broad-day lights but the violence done by security personels is a great scare forexample the defence minister ordered them to shoot and kill any one on the streets during the election.politically based curfew is the order of the day.
Thanks, so,
Why are tribal leaders still in posts ensuring Museveni’s rule, while Bobi Wine is alone with just the young who are so lost?
You know, unless Ugandans ask tribal leaders to stand down/end the tribalistic systemof rule, developed world will NEVER blame Museveni, because the system goes against their democratic principle!
Unless Ugandans bring down the tribalsitic system, developed world will watch in silence & will NEVER join Bobi Wine & his supporters to say Museveni rigged!
Tribalistically divided ruled Ugandans go along with the tribalistic system in peace, so developed world will ever interfer nor blame Museveni for anything!
See how Europe came out toblame D. Trump who supports racism/white supremacy!
Uganda if formed by tribal lands that belongs to Ugandans so, it’s up to them to say NO to the tribalistic system & UNITE, if they want Museveni out & help from developed world!
But as it is, Ugandans are at peace with the tribalistic system that ensures Museveni’s post, so developed world will not interfer with how Museveni rules & for how long as it’s Ugandans who decide!
We are waiting for our hero to step out because we are cowards. Look in the Bible when Jesus was arrested how many disciples stood with him 😂😂😂 we don’t want to die cause we want peace but not war to remove museven
Am offline me the tax payer I mean Ott
Me too am paying OTT but my internet is not working
I do not blame M7 In any way. I think it is high time Ugandans know that help from the outside or so called developed countries means us relying on them forever. Being under them n their mercies. We stand with a leader who ll prevent that. Not a leader who will seek help from the white mans’ land all in the name of developing Uganda yet we r richer than them
Before we all go looking for who to Blame and who not to l think we need analyze situations first and far most developed countries help come with ties attached to choose a leader who will be apuppet to be instructed l would rather choose the so called dictator because he knows how to say no Bobi wine got ahomosexual award in the USA so what kind of leader do you guys expect of him watch out Ugandans .
Did you attend those Awards you idiot, stop carrying rumours!
Please make it work again. We’re losing a lot.as a country at large. Especially with the taxes.
We are really losing a lot
We are paying ott tax but can’t access our social media accounts pliz help us
Switching off the internet? Wow! I am totally flabbergasted! That’s like turning off the electricity or shutting down the water supply.