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Buganda Kingdom to petition Education Minister over new curriculum

Katikiro Charles Peter Mayiga. PHOTO via @BugandaOfficial

Kampala, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT | Buganda Kingdom has prepared a petition which they plan to present to the Minister of Education and Sports Janet Museveni about the new lower secondary curriculum.

Charles Peter Mayiga, the Kingdom Prime Minister expressed concern over four subjects in the curriculum. They are Agriculture, Languages, Information and Computer Technology [ICT] and history.

Mayiga said a country that has more than 70 percent of its population residing in villages and hence dependent on agriculture for livelihood cannot afford to have agriculture as an optional subject.

Mayiga added that climate change too should have been made a distinct subject to argument agriculture because Uganda is still dependent on climate for its agriculture.

“Not having climate change and Agriculture as compulsory subjects we think tantamount to lack of forecast,” Mayiga said.

On history, Mayiga said as Buganda Kingdom, they think that a country that doesn’t know where it has come from can’t possibly know where it is going. He said there is need to teach students their country’s history as it is in order to adopt the good and find a way of avoiding facing the dark history again.

On Languages, Mayiga said as the Kingdom, they were dismayed that indigenous languages like Luganda are optional subjects bundled together with other subjects yet foreign languages like Chinese are being promoted. He said that because China is experiencing rapid economic growth and development hence becoming the centre of trade for the world is not reason enough to teach Chinese in schools.

“Knowing more than one language is a resource but knowing your mother tongue is being civilized. Research has showed that it’s easy to learn another language when you know your mother tongue,” Mayiga said. He called upon all schools in Buganda to go ahead and teach Luganda as they been doing as they try to lobby government to change course on the issue.

The other subject that Mayiga thinks should be compulsory for all the students in secondary is ICT. He said the world today is being driven by computer-based technology. Therefore any country that would want to be competitive, her people must be technology savvy.

He called upon the ministry of education to consider their proposals before they fully implement the program.

The ministry of education faced a lot of resistance when it declared at the beginning of the term that the new curriculum for lower secondary school was going to be rolled out starting with senior one.

Members of Parliament passed a resolution stopping the implementation of the new curriculum until issues like teacher training, lack of textbooks are addressed.

However, the National Curriculum Development Center acting on the directive of the Cabinet disregarded the parliamentary resolution and went ahead with the implementation. They, however acknowledged that they will address some of the concerns of the MPs along the way as the curriculum is implemented.




  1. To my opinion the new curriculum should have started from the primary level because this is the foundation.
    The ministry of Education should have called teachers and consult them whether the curriculum should be tampered with.
    All in all I don’t support the changes in the curriculum.
    I rest my case

  2. Uganda is full of “adhoclism” and “sloganeering.” There is a term called “BUBU” (Buy Uganda- Build Uganda). Where is it in this “new carriculum where foreign languages are promoted at the expense of the local languages? I’ve heard president museveni castigating African kings who didn’t Protect Africans when colonialists were invading Africans and taking part in slavei. What are the African leaders doing in the new wave of “Chinese conquest?” Or is “BUBU” merely rhetoric?

  3. The Minister’s education her self is questionable, how do u expect her to make the right moves???? And how can a brain like Dr Muyingo be under madam Kataha??? Uganda is upside down.

  4. The minister of Education & the family are killing Uganda’s future technically!!!
    Secondly how can they ignore Parliamentary resolutions yet it’s the representing body of Ugandans
    So the older curriculum can be reversed as the consultations are taken country wide because the implementors seen not to be minding about the demerits new system

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