Friday , March 14 2025

Bundibugyo flood victims cryout for help as district closes IDP camps

A family in Businga,trying to rebeuild thier structure that was destroyed by floods in May, three meters from R. Lamiya

Bundibugyo, Uganda |  THE INDEPENDENT |  Over 5000 floods victims in Bundibugyo district are living under appalling conditions following the closure of the Internally Displaced People’s-IDP camps. The affected persons from 900 households mainly from Busunga Sub County were displaced when River Lamiya at the Uganda-DR Congo burst its banks in May and flooded their homes.

The most affected areas were people in Busunga town council, Murungitanywa1, 2 and 3, Katoke, Kisenyi and kitumba villages. The displaced were placed in the IDP camps in the neighboring Kirindi and Bubukwanga Sub counties while others sought refuge in their relative’s homes.

Last week, Bundibugyo district authorities resolved to close the camps and allow the flood victims to return to their villages, saying they lack relief to support them. URN visited some of the flood victims and established that most of them lack resources to rebuild their homes. They also lack safe water.

Cecilia Asiimwe, 80, is one of those who lost all their house hold property to the floods. Asiimwe who returned to her empty house in Busunga town, which borders R. Lamiya, says the family doesn’t have any food.

The victim, who is caring for ten grandchildren, says she doesn’t have capital to resume her food vending business after using up her capital when they were displaced by the floods.

She told URN that she is currently under the care of her daughter and grandchildren for food and shelter but hastens to add that they are also struggling to find food for their families.     

Evalentino Tembo was forced to abandon his rented room after failing to pay rent. He occupied the room after the floods submerged his house, destroying all his household property and gardens.

The single father of five has now opted to return to his dilapidated house to start life again. Tembo says he can hardly provide food and other basic items to his children.  

Julius Sunday says the area is threatened with famine and object poverty as cocoa, which is their major cash crop begins to dry due to water logging.


Charles Nguga, the area LC 1 Chairperson Murungitanywa 1, says most of the affected residents have failed to occupy their houses because they were weakened by floods.

He says this has faced many of them to rent, seek refuge in their neighbor’s homes or erect temporary structures in their compounds. Ngungu says political leaders have abandoned the predicament of the community.

“The community lost household properties and our most need is for the government to divert the water to its original course and support communities restart life again.” Nguga says.

Friday Kakwanga, the LC III chairman Busunga town council, says the situation is dire and calls for government intervention through urgent provision of relief food, mattresses, blankets, mosquito nets and clean drinking water to the flood victims. He adds that most family heads dot have resources to rebuild their homes.

Ronald Mutegeki, the Bundibugyo told LC V Chairperson told URN that the district doesn’t have any relief or budget to cater the flood victims. Mutegeki prays that government considers supporting the flood victims to re-establish their homes and economic activities.  

Flooding has claimed about 18 lives and destroyed hundreds of property in Bundibugyo district between 2019 and 2020.



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