Bunyangabu, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT | The elderly persons in Bunyangabu District have welcomed a motion allowing for their representation in Parliament.
Last month, MPs created five seats for elderly members of Parliament, who will be elected at the regional level and one national representative. They will be part of the Special Interest Groups.
The other interest groups include the workers and persons with disabilities.
This has been welcomed by elders in Bunyangabu district, who argue that it is long overdue for the elderly to be represented in Parliament.
Kahya Maliseri, the elder chairperson in Kisambu central ward in Rubona Town council, says most of the elderly persons are living in deplorable conditions and there is no one fronting their plight to the government. He also adds that the elderly lack special consideration in government programs which has made them dependents to their young and jobless children.
He hopes if represented, the issues affecting the elders will be addressed.
“The elders are poor, they don’t have resources and medical care, and they lack someone to present these issues to government,” Maliseri says.
90-year-old Zaverio Kateba from Kitumba I, Kicucu Kisomoro Sub County says elders who were lucky to attain jobs in their youthful ages have consumed all their savings while others sold their properties.
Kateba wants a representative that will seek for special health care services for the elderly.
Peter Mugisa from Bunaiga Parish in Kateebwa Sub County, says that most government programs meant for the elderly get into the hands of a few due to lack of representation.
He believes if well structured, the MPs can draw development programs for the elderly.
“We have homes which are poor and others rich, these shouldn’t be treated on the same level when considering government programs for the elderly, we need a voice,” Ngozibwe says
Mustapha Kasaija, aged 79 from Igasa- Rubona says that the elderly representatives should be elected based on merit. He says the election may not serve its purpose if the elderly representative is a person who is not conversant with the concerns of the elders.
Kasaija also wants a representative who will advocate for an increment of funds under the Social Assistance Grants for Empowerment programme- SAGE.
Through the grants, the government gives out a monthly stipend of 25,000 Shillings to persons aged above eighty in different parts of the country.