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Business news

Fueling global growth through localization strategy

  BUSINESS TIPS |  Abbas Rouse | Going global has been every business owner’s dream since business conception. It has not only been a strategy to bring in more profits, but also an effort to serve an escalating decentralized customer base in different parts of the world. However, being successful …

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Jinja city residents protest delayed compensation by SGR

Jinja, Uganda |  THE INDEPENDENT |   More than 1,000 families whose houses were demolished to pave way for the Standard Gauge Railway construction in Jinja City have protested delayed compensation. The victims from the suburbs of Mpumudde, Mafubira, Bugembe and Kakira argue that, ever since SGR officials earmarked their property …

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Poor state of Lira-Pader road paralyzes transport

Lira, Uganda |  THE INDEPENDENT |   Transport along the 61.5 kilometer Acholibur-Puranga road in Pader district came to a halt for the better part of Wednesday morning due to the bad state of the road. Several travelers spent the night in the cold along the road because of a truck …

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