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Business news

The Trump administration turning into club for the wealthy

Washington, United States | AFP |  The US administration-in-waiting nominated by President-elect Donald Trump is a circle of multimillionaire businessmen and women the public may view as a cabinet whose wealth is unprecedented in US history. Himself a billionaire real estate developer, Trump could entrench this characteristic should he choose …

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Oil resumes price rise after OPEC cut

Singapore, Singapore | AFP | Oil prices resumed their rise Thursday and held above the $50 barrier following OPEC’s decision to carry out its first output cut in eight years. The Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries at a meeting in Vienna on Wednesday agreed on specific targets to enact …

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Kyambadde explains indefinite suspension of chamber elections

The Minister of Trade, Industry and Cooperatives Amelia Kyambadde has explained that the decision to call off the Uganda National Chamber of Commerce and Industry (UNCCI) elections was agreed with all stakeholders after a recent meeting. “I have received a number of concerns from different stakeholders on operations of Uganda National …

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Royal Bank of Scotland fails BoE stress test

London, United Kingdom | AFP |  The Royal Bank of Scotland is the worst prepared among Britain’s lenders for another financial crisis, the Bank of England said Wednesday, forcing the state-rescued lender into a new capital-raising plan. The BoE, revealing its latest stress tests on Britain’s top seven banks, added …

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Australia strikes deal on ‘backpacker tax’

Sydney, Australia | AFP |  Foreigners in Australia on working holidays face paying a 15 percent levy on every dollar they earn after the government Monday compromised on a controversial “backpacker tax”, dumping plans for a higher rate. Canberra had initially sought a revenue-raising 32.5 percent tax for seasonal workers …

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Government re-tables NSSF Bill

The government has reintroduced the Retirements Benefits Sector Liberalisation Bill 2011 to Parliament amidst protests from Worker’s members of parliament and trade unionists. The Bill is aimed at ending the monopoly of the National Social Security Fund as the savings body for workers. The Fund is now worth Shs6 trillion. …

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China puts brakes on overseas spending spree

Beijing, China | AFP |  Beijing is tightening screening on Chinese companies’ overseas investments, according to the government and reports, after a record-setting shopping spree raised concerns of capital flight and reckless spending. Authorities will “combine facilitating foreign investment with guarding against investment risks” by scrutinising proposed deals, said a …

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