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Business news

Fuel crisis again

By Haggai Matsiko Experts say government must plan for December and 2011 elections Usually, when pump prices of petroleum products in Uganda shoot up, the government and oil sector operators blame it on some mishap in neighbouring Kenya. This time there was neither malfunction at the Kenya Petroleum Refineries Ltd …

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Budget trouble

By Dicta Asiimwe MPs allege forgery of reports but Speaker raises no objection Parliament approved the budget figures this week with, at one point at 6 pm, 21 members in attendance. Presided over by Speaker Edward Sekandi, by six o’clock, with over one hundred votes not yet passed, those present …

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Bank systems leave homes unwanted

By Eriasa S. Mukiibi Real estate developers want banks to change mortgage rules Joseph Kironde’s house in Kansanga, an up-market residential suburb of Kampala, looks somewhat misplaced amid the storied multi-roomed properties behind high wall fences and fancy gates. Kironde’s house is a four-roomed affair, with whitewashed walls, sitting on …

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