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CARE International: Supporting women and girls in rural areas

Launch of 16DoA in Rwanda, Care and partners. CARE International in Rwanda Photo

Women and Girls’ Economic Empowerment – WGEE

CARE contributes to sustained access to and control over social and economic resources and opportunities for women and girls by producing standard models and packages that promote financial literacy and linkages to financial services; and by promoting digitalized financial services; and advancing Village Agents’ Network – VAN as a community platform and catalyst for transformational change. By 2025, CARE will triple its reach to lift 800,000 vulnerable women and girls so that they can attain and sustain ‘above basic’ livelihood status.

Life Free From Violence – LFFV

CARE develops and takes to scale a model for transforming negative social norms that contribute to gender-based violence and expand learning about approaches that work in GBV prevention and response across the Great Lakes Region. By 2025, CARE will triple its reach to directly support 500,000 women and girls, men and boys to enjoy equal power relations at the family and community levels.

Adolescent Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights – ASRHR

CARE contributes to improved adolescent sexual and reproductive health outcomes; women & girls decide when to have sex and when to have children, by piloting and testing a comprehensive sexuality and relationship model, while also engaging in policy dialogue to promote ASRHR services for girls. By 2025, CARE will triple its reach to directly support 200,000 girls so that they are able to enjoy their sexual and reproductive health and rights. CARE Rwanda engages a variety of proven models within programming, to deliver change for women and girls in Rwanda.

Those models and approaches include but not limited to the Village Savings and Loan Association -VSLA that serves as the entry point for its gender transformative programming and The Journeys of Transformation Plus -JOT+ model to ensure sustainability while complementing each other to achieve gender justice. The Village Savings and Loan Association -VSLA groups are an innovative way of ensuring financial inclusion for the most vulnerable, while providing an impactful foundation on which to build further programming.

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