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Home / In The Magazine / CARE International: Supporting women and girls in rural areas

CARE International: Supporting women and girls in rural areas

Village Savings and Loan Association -VSLA group meeting for out-of-school girls (CARE, 2016)

CARE’s VSLA methodology has been recognized within the financial inclusion strategy in Rwanda, as a key economic development driver. CARE’s economic empowerment programming follows a Market Driven Value Chains approach, undertaking needs assessments, and using findings to: support VSLA members enter into profitable value chains; link VSLAs—as whole group and individual members—to formal finance; and strengthen the capacity of individuals to interact within the market through increased knowledge, confidence, and negotiation capacity. Complementary to this, is the provision of Entrepreneurship and Business Development and Mentorship to VSLA members, to strengthen their capacity to develop and maintain profitable, sustainable, and competitive businesses. The Journeys of Transformation Plus

– JOT+ model aims at strengthening the engagement of men and women at the individual, family and community levels, to challenge harmful and restrictive constructions of masculinity and femininity that drive inequality, leading to Gender Based Violence. The JOT +, focusing specifically on engaging men in women’s empowerment programming, found that when men were engaged, they began to respect their households, men approached peers living in conflict to advise them on how to change, and engaged men were proud of their change in behavior—it brought them self-esteem.

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