Friday , March 14 2025

Changes in O-level curriculum

Students in Ordinary Level (O-level) will no longer have to study for long hours in class according to a new curriculum approved by the government.

Kampala, Uganda | The Independent | Classes will begin at 8am and end at 2:50pm. The rest of the time up to 5pm will be devoted towards research projects or curricular activities.

The National Curriculum Development Centre (NCDC) has also cut number of taught subjects at O-level by more than half from 42 to 20. In other changes, O-level exams will account for 80% of the marks for every student and the other 20% will be derived from continuous assessment.


In some syllabus changes, students will be taught the NRA bush war history which will replace outworn topics that comprise North American and European history. NCDC and Uganda National Examinations Board (UNEB) are now in harmonization talks on how schools can record marks for national grading.



  1. Dr. Ocen Henry

    Not supported at all!
    What benefit does the NRA bush war has that is so important than other armed rebellions in Uganda?
    What about the 1979 liberation of Uganda from Idi Amin’s tyranny?
    What about Kony’s rebellion in Northern Uganda?
    Then they shd all appear in the new syllabus, else there’ll be a bias in the syllabus and it’ll represent the selfish interest of the persons instigating this change… NRMO!

    • Moses Munanura

      the history of NRM steams beyond 1979, the fronasa days, and etc. The syllabus am sure will cover this.
      The removal of idi amin was museveni with the Tanzanians before Obote came to hijack it in 1980 in Kampala elections.
      The nrm bush war was against this hijack by Obote and his gangs.
      Koney was a security mistake.
      He was never a threat.
      Those commanders at the time, muntu and etc, were asleep and choosing to sleep with makerere students.
      A national embarrassment. But, it is time to name and shame these persons. People died.
      Koney was defeated by special forces command.
      The Army was infiltrated.


        Moses munanura, you should note that the NRA bush war is not the only war that led Uganda to where it is now, yes it is recorded as the best liberation war for uganda but that should not make the reason to be made an independent subject, as there were many wars in attempt to liberate uganda prior 1981 when the bush war started write away from colonial rule upto obote II.

        This subject is trying to hide the impact of such wars like the economic war of 1972 when Amin chased away indians that were penetrating uganda’s ecocomy which is the case now, where by businesses are owned by indians and chinese because they are favoured by government. And only preach the achievements of NRM. SO Will this subject include the failures of NRM govenrment?? of course no.

        At least they should get a general subject like “The Ugandan History” that covers the whole history right away from colonial rule, independent time upto-date. That would have sence.

    • I think UNEB will be divided into political needs and GOD will still be for us all and the country motto will be for God and my political party. Let do justice even out of church,it is part of worship. But if we do things to meet our own needs, then we should not waste time saying we love God. May God forgive ur biasness.

  2. Am in, students need to show off their abilities, talents, but we are just used to learning staff which we don’t even put in practice, how can astudent leave Senior Four and six without knowing any practical staff, just theories. This education system I think spoil our student’s intelligence. We need job creator, students who can innovate, who can some companies but not job seekers. I support

  3. Job creators, innovators, who can build our country, just look at this, every year students get out of universities but no new companies are formed, we just accept companies from outside counties to invest in us, take our money, but with this student’s eyes will be opened up and we shall build a country that’s worth living in.

    • On the issue of awarding marks by the school trs, 20%, this should be discussed well
      Then let students learn more about leadership of Amin , killing of people by konny
      Let students be job creators not job seekers


        am wondering how the leadership of Amin, konny killings will make our young brothers and sisters job creators, unless you mean that after s.4 and s.6 they should also join the bush to DO the gun. Subjects like technical and agriculture are the subjects should be emphasised on instead of konny killings.

  4. I think, we should not be more influenced by politics most especially when it comes to making decisions that are to put our country to another level of development. Some topics are meant to blind students, silencing them, making them believe the lies, become sycophants and truthfully influenced by non-liberational feelings.
    I also believe that with the issue of time, it can only be productive when students have been availed with supportive materials and equipments that can push them to fully develop their talents. This will automatically help them find the attachments for being innovative. I submit.

  5. This is just part of the solution, we are waiting for the solution itself. We want education system to entirely aim at practical not theories and concepts as it’s.
    I however thank the ministry for the effort.

    Our country is richly endowed with almost everything we need for economic stability… let’s aim our efforts at empowering the population with practical skills and development shall come its own way.
    I submit.

  6. Indoctrination killing u. The brain was is making your brain every minute.

  7. Da worst curriculum to be ever if it only talks about nrm WC seems to a jigger to dis nation not realised for so long

  8. To my own understanding European history is relevant as some of the laws we have rooted back to Napoleonic era so why?

  9. Rev. Emmanuel B'Gisha

    At Masaka ss we studied half day in 1968. I was in s1. It was as follows:
    S1-2 afternoon.
    S3-4 morning.

  10. The journey of 100 miles begins by one footstep.
    We all wish for change and progress but truth be told it cant all happen in one night or change in one go.
    I personally appreciate the changes so far coz trust me we spent more hours dozing in class.
    I look forward to seeing what these young minds can do.

  11. The political Education was stopped in secondary schools,which believable is affecting young Ugandans politically.Of what importance is NRA bush war to current generation.Government would better focus on practical science projects which of course train job creaters other than job seekers.Uganda is a multi party country and most of the parties have got history to be taught.

  12. Tr. Mpungu allan

    If d changes wa 4 producing job makers ada dan job sikaz den wat jobs wil be med out ov nrm bush war yet de lidaz a als unwiln 2 liv da thrones!
    let d curr emphasiz practical buz’ns an sci coz we a evn tyd ov puchasing imports at hi costs!

  13. chebet isaac anyangu

    I APreciate the change of slybus by allowing practical time

  14. This was long awaited.The outgoing syllabus had made Uganda to have the most difficult but irrelevant and ancient education system in the World.Now we are talking.

  15. Wamimbi Joel francis

    I think this new circulum start with s1 and s5 next year thank you for listening to me

  16. My concern is on Assessment where exam will account for 80% and 20% derived from continuous assessment. Majority of the teachers have lost integrity in terms of assessing their students especially during National Examinations. Will the 20% from continuous assessment be genuine?.

  17. But iwd also wanted know this from NCDC we are having some languages of other tribes on the time table uneb but we leave lukonzo language which is found in kasese district so how do you plan for it in the new curriculum thank u.

  18. When I mouse starts to dance in the face of a cat, you should well know there is a hole nearby. What happens in Uganda does not give us opportunity to agree fully. I have been through O level and as such I know how hectic it is to study what you know will not benefit you. I pose my question, how will studying the NRA war impact Ugandans? I however do agree with the significant cut down on study hours for various reasons.

  19. I do appreciate the new cariculum which aims at practical aspects however will there be enough equipments to make this possible, though knowledge is paramount still the lack of the start up capital for the students is aserious issue

  20. Caroline Atuhairwe Kazooba

    Running away from the content would not be a major solution, how the content is being taught in the classroom is vital. If the learners are equipped with skills of making inquiries into what they are taught, or practice what they learn at every phase, and given opportunities for taking action and responsibility then it would give them the power, confidence to realize gaps and be able to contribute to new developments in the curriculum that would be relevant locally and to their needs. We also need historians/learners who are strategically positioned to different historical & geographical sites in our country to narrate the origins and existence of so many things (e.g. culture, bush wars, the first uniforms, furniture, machines among others that were once used by those who were there before us so that we can be able to keep track of the historical records of this nation since its inception and make sense out of it.

  21. Ssekeweyama akiida

    Well thechanges are quite good we hope the outcomes are better

  22. Ssekeweyama akiida

    I don’t think best of history is history of the NRA bush war because if it means history Uganda and acountry has history which I think would be best to study not something of interest of agiven group like that .for sure has had history not only that of the NRA BUSH WAR hmmmm .for vocational training thanks good idea for our country

  23. I think this is fair based the classes time but it will take plenty of time that the studients to understand this change its gud coz it focus on improving the mine set of yung ugandans to become creative through discovering of thre talents .i e in
    gamez n sportz
    music dance n drama
    if this works well ugandan will be one of the best countries concerning education but the problem in this is that ican see aimin at achieving one thing that is the most target

  24. I really Support the Change in Curriculum But Let there be more training of the teachers first otherwise most teachers lack Creative and Innovative mind to cause change in the Students they teach since most of them are a product of the Current Theoretical concepts.


  26. I support the new curriculum

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