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Home / AFRICA / Chinese envoy calls for advancement of political process in Mali

Chinese envoy calls for advancement of political process in Mali

Ambassador Dai Bing at the UN Security Council Open Debate on Peace and Security in Africa. File Photo

United Nations | Xinhua | A Chinese envoy on Tuesday called for efforts to advance the political process in Mali.

There has been progress in political transition, peace process and the fight against terrorism in Mali, a result of joint efforts by the Malian authorities, regional organizations and the international community, said Dai Bing, charge d’affaires at the Chinese Permanent Mission to the United Nations.

Now it is important to consolidate the current momentum and continuously inject impetus toward the ultimate goal of achieving durable peace and development, Dai told the Security Council.

Regarding the political process, multiple measures are required on different tracks, he said.

The Malian authorities have drawn up a roadmap for the transition, set up electoral institutions, started constitutional work and carried out political consultations, which are visible progress, the envoy said.

China hopes that the parties in Mali will build on this and carry forward political reform to create favorable conditions for the transition, he said.

On anti-terrorism, Dai said efforts are needed to ramp up the fight to maintain stability.

The parties in Mali have recently held a high-level decision-making meeting to promote the implementation of the peace agreement and the disarmament, demobilization and reintegration process, and the government has been fully engaged in fighting terrorism and unveiled a comprehensive stability strategy for the central region of the country, which should be acknowledged, he said.

The international community should provide more concrete support for the government in fighting terrorism and respect the country’s right to independently carry out its external security cooperation, he added.

It is important to increase coordination and communication between the UN peacekeeping mission in Mali and the different sectors of society in order to form synergy, said Dai.

The mission has done a great deal in supporting political transition, providing logistic and operational support to the Malian armed forces and protecting civilians, he said.

“China is pleased to see that the mission has properly solved the issue of personnel rotation with the government. We hope that the parties will continue to strengthen communication, enhance mutual trust, and jointly maintain the Status of Forces Agreement so as to create good conditions for the mission,” he added.

China attaches great importance to Mali’s legitimate concerns in terms of national sovereignty, security and development, and supports the Malian people in independently choosing a development path that fits their country’s condition, Dai said.

Together with the international community, China is ready to make great contributions to Mali’s effort to maintain national unity and promote peace and development, said the envoy.

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