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Civilians on the spot for assaulting soldiers

Brig. Peter Omola addressing local leaders at Mpumudde destitutes home.

Jinja , Uganda |  THE INDEPENDENT |   Uganda People’s Defense Forces-UPDF soldiers have accused communities neighbouring Gadaffi and Kimaka Senior Command and Staff College in Mpumudde ward in Southern division in Jinja city for assaulting them. 

The soldiers who spoke to URN on condition of anonymity, said they are often battered by residents while purchasing user items in Mpumudde market. 

“We used to have a cordial relationship with the civilians but out of nowhere, a section of youth started accusing us of fostering relationships with their girlfriends and in turn, created cliques of battering us within the trading centres which is really absurd,” he said.

While attending a harmonization meeting between local leaders, police and UPDF officials held at Mpumudde Destitute home in Southern division on Tuesday, village chairpersons accused soldiers of engaging in petty arguments with residents, which result in endless fights.

Grace Akello, the National Housing Village Chairperson, said a group of youth ganged up against a soldier last week whom they accused of committing adultery with a married woman. Akello asked the soldiers to desist from dating married women, which she said is fueling conflicts with the community. 

Juliet Kadama, the Jinja Southwest Forum for Democratic Change-FDC Woman Chairperson wants the soldiers to wear their uniforms when they visit markets and bars to ease their identification.

Paul Musalule, the Kitovu Village LC I Chairperson, said most youth who lead their colleagues to batter soldiers are children of local leaders and it is hard to apprehend them.

Brig. Peter Omola,  the Commandant of the Uganda Rapid Deployment Capability Center-URDCC, said they have resolved to conduct joint security patrols with the community leaders to restore sanity in the area.



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