Saturday , September 28 2024
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More public debate needed on GMOs

By Ellady Muyambi Those who enjoy local chicken and other traditional African dishes should be saying bye-bye to them The government passed the National biotechnology and Biosafety Policy in 2008 and is now in advanced stages of passing the Biotechnology and Biosafety Bill, 2012 commonly known as the GMO law …

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The dirt on plastic waste

By Marino Xanthos Current usage patterns of so-called `petroleum-based commodity thermoplastics’ are not sustainable Plastics are everywhere. Whether used to store leftovers, keep hospital equipment sterile, or insulate a home, plastics are unmatched for their adaptability, durability, and low cost. Given their seemingly boundless benefits, it is unsurprising that plastics …

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Sheryl Sandberg’s Good Fight

By Naomi Wolf Redressing women’s underrepresentation in land ownership and politics requires individualised leadership and skills training Is it always offensive to advise women to change something about themselves in order to ensure that they can achieve their goals? To suggest the need for any self-scrutiny on women’s part is …

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