Saturday , September 28 2024
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Al-Shabaab already defeated

By Yoweri Kaguta Museveni Attacking malls, football fans, students shows they cannot even attack a well- guarded police station The most atrocious, criminal, cowardly and monstrous attacks by Al-Shabaab against soft and innocent targets such as shoppers in a Shopping Mall, young students in a University or football fans watching …

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Burundi on the brink

By Jean Claude Nkundwa and Jonathan W. Rosena Should the army fracture, the UN in concert with the African Union must prepare to intervene if necessary When Faustin Kobagaya fled his northern Burundi home in March, sneaking through the night to the Rwandan border, he was running from what could …

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Money concerns over 2016 polls

By Flavia Nassaka EC says slashing budget, but Finance says funding available On April 21, the Chairman of the Electoral Commission Badru Kiggundu together with the Commission’s Secretary Sam Rwakoojo appeared before the Legal and Parliamentary Affairs committee to present their budget frame work paper for financial year 2015/16. They …

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Leadership fights tearing up Lango

By Patrick Kagenda Akena faces opposition from area UPC leaders Hardly a fortnight after party President Olara Otunnu announced the UPC roadmap to 2016 that will see a new party president elected, jostling for position has intensified. In Lango region, which is regarded as the cradle of UPC because its …

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