Saturday , September 28 2024
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The Facebook furor

By Esther Dyson Facebook’s experiment raises the issue of manipulation and unintended consequences There has been a lot of fuss lately about the psychological experiment that Facebook conducted on nearly 700,000 of its users. In order to gauge how people’s Facebook “News Feeds” affect their moods, the company temporarily implemented …

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Basongora-Bakonzo conflict

By Emmanuel K. Tabaro The government’s response in Kasese (or even the greater Rwenzori) should not be military To understand the Basongora – Bakonzo conflict — ignoring the obvious, simplistic narrative being peddled by different interest groups — it’s imperative we look at Garrett Hardin’s economic theory, “the tragedy of …

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Getting globalisation right

By Ian Goldin More, not less, cooperation is necessary to manage growing complexity and integration Recent evidence suggests that much of the world has entered a period of low financial-market volatility. But this is no time for complacency; more turbulent times are likely to lie ahead. Over the last quarter-century, …

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