Saturday , September 28 2024
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Umeme share sale

  By Rugaba Agaba Game changer or game over for Uganda? The Independent’s cover: “Inside Umeme shares deal: Energy sector attracts big money, investor makes Shs 200 billion” (Issue 318, May 23, 2014) covered the Secondary Public Offer (SPO) by national electricity distributor, Umeme Ltd. The story insinuated that the …

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Why Bill Gates gets it wrong

By Jeffrey D. Sachs The Millennium Village Project will be professionally evaluated next year –based on proper data In his review of Nina Munk’s error-filled and out-of-date book, Bill Gates oddly abandons the rigorous approach to measurement and evaluation that defines his foundation’s invaluable work. He simply accepts Munk’s assertion …

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Why Jeffrey Sachs matters

By Bill Gates When fighting poverty and disease, you will never achieve anything if you’re afraid to fail Bono calls economist Jeffrey Sachs “the squeaky wheel that roars.” To me, Sachs is the Bono of economics – a guy with impressive intelligence, passion, and powers of persuasion who is devoting …

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