COMMENT | Samson Tinka | Leaders make or break society. Leadership is defined as the ability of an individual or a group of people to influence and guide followers or members of an organization, society or team. There is an argument that none of the scholars has so far settled, and that is, whether leaders are born or made.
Whatever the case, the led will share a matrix of how they have been led. In Uganda it has since become a norm, a routine and a practice to criticize bad leaders but never appreciate good leaders especially in public.
Leadership is a challenge especially in third world countries because of scarce of resources compared to the society needs. In Uganda in particular, an MP for example, is expected to do much more than the legislation role. MPs are required by the voters to pay school fees, contribute to burial expenses, wedding parties, construct roads, bridges, schools etc.
In 2020 and 2021 I did what I had never done, I put on gumbos, a pair of jeans and climbed Rwampara hills to seek support for Amos K Kakunda. I committed time and other resources to campaign for Amos. I knew Amos through my elder brother Col. Alex B Tumushabe, and fortunately Amos won.
This was, interestingly, at the expense of my two OBs. Elly Katsigaire hails from my own village and we sat in the same class in primary 7, while Kyamadidi was with me in secondary school. Whereas the later two were known to me for many years I chose to stand behind Amos.
Three years down the journey I took account of my expectations from Amos. By all standards, Amos performance has been beyond expectations. Ofcourse the reader of this article will demand to look at my dashboard and also ask me to quantify my rating.
Personal conduct
Power makes people wild. Power moves with money and we have seen so many MPs going out of their way because of the power they carry on their shoulders. Amos exhibits discipline, respect for all people irrespective of their age, economic status, color, ethnicity etc, Amos is humble, cool headed and rarely gets agitated or angry. These are rare characters and he scores much on this.
Super strategist
In these three years or so, Amos has appreciated the critical needs of the youth and women of Rwampara. He has initiated, implemented and sustained projectes like skilling for the youth, supporting carrot farmers in Nyabikungu and other women groups across the county. Amos has the niche of looking far and timely acts especially on projects that brings income to the muntu wawansi.
Weekends for the constituency
Amos weekends are reserved for Rwampala and this has become a norm. He is in the constituency to supervise the projects that he initiated and observe the impact and receive feedback. In April 2024 I spent some hours with his dear wife Monica, I extended invite to both of them to come to my home, Monica told me that it will only be possible after budget reading. Of course I wasn’t happy, until Monica told me that Amos is almost a visitor at his home since his most time is committed to the constituency and parliament.
Schools and hospitals
Not sure of how much he has committted in uplifting the standards of schools and hospitals? He hasmobilized his fellow MPs and collected millions to support schools and hospitals. All schools in Nyabikungu parish have benefited from this initiative, while the former Nyabikungu health Centre II has been upgraded to health Centre 11. These are tangible, quantifiable developments we can use to point at Amos’ personal contribution and mobilization.
Amos the sports person
He is a footballer and plays for parliament soccer team., Amos has supported sports in Rwampara by sponsoring tournaments but also physically participating. Sports breeds togetherness and also uplifts fitness levels. This is a notable contribution that can not be ignored.
Coherence at district headquarters
There is semblance of good working relations between politicians and technical teams at the district headquarters at Kinoni. In some districts service delivery has been hampered not by lack of resources but by fights between politicians. Where peace prevails, development and service delivery will be seen and felt.
A smooth operator
I would be right to equate Amos to a MOSAD operative. Amos works undercover until he gets what he wants. His planning and execution tactics are more conventional but rewarding. Smooth operators rarely fail because the detractors don’t detect them early or any at all
A national leader
Ever since he became chairman budget committee he ceased to be an MP for Rwampara but MP for Uganda. From Kotido to Kisoro, Kalangala to Moyo, Amos is known. Therefore our own son is holding Rwampara flag high. This is a big point on Rwampara’s scorecard.
First timer in parliament
Amos had exhibited high quality of debate while on floor of parliament. When he stands to speak you see attention from both the floor and the gallery. He is listened to. This is a sign that he may be an influential person in Uganda’s politics in the future.
Could he be a next Butagira or Kategaya of sorts?
It appear the political leadership in this country is training Amos K Kakunda for high roles in the near future. Minister maybe?
By all measures, he has resurrected the Rwampara name on the Ugandan political seen by actions and deeds. Therefore, to the Rwampara youth and the whole population let’s appreciate Amos for achievements recorded and also continue to stand behind him.
As it is said, “you don’t know that what you have is gold until you lose it.” We must move away from the syndrome of praising people when they are dead. Let’s recognize his efforts when he is still alive.
This recognition will raise his spirits but also be an assurance that he is being watched. It also means that he has to keep the standards high. Keep it up and I can assure you that should you present yourself in 2026 you may have it smoother, easy and seamless than before.
Good deeds are rewarded and my vote will be youea in 2026, Insha Allah.
Samson Tinka is a Rwampala citizen. He also a safety and security expert | tindsam@yahoo
God loves determined, well behaved leaders. The morals of Kankunda can’t be defined enough, that’s why he is shining every where! God and his subjects love him