Saturday , September 28 2024
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Pareto and the roots of politics

Why he didn’t politics could be understood from the self-serving narratives of the protagonists COMMENT | ALERTO MINGARDI | Many political disputes in recent years have been framed as battles between economic rationality and eruptions of irrationality that we label populism. But cognitive psychologists and economists would point out that political …

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Navigating power dynamics

  Contextualising the role of local community foundations in evolving international development paradigms COMMENT | HASHIM WASSWA MULANGWA | Localisation has recently become a topical issue in international development debates, and in a recent speaking engagement on international philanthropy and its intersection with local community foundations, I had the opportunity to …

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Economists reconsider industrial policy

Recent research takes a productive approach than in the past when economists focused on simple indicators COMMENT | DANI RODRIK, REKA JUHASZ & NATHAN LANE | As policymakers around the world embrace industrial policy in pursuit of a wide variety of objectives  supply-chain resilience, green technologies, geopolitical advantage, good jobs  the …

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A new playbook for preserving nature

Recommendations on how best to shape a new generation of markets that conserve rather than destroy nature COMMENT | SANDRINE DIXSON-DECLEVE & SIMON ZADEK | The global economy is addicted to the relentless  and unsustainable  extraction of natural resources. Yet despite our complete dependence on nature, its contribution  for example, the …

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Untapped wind energy potential in Karamoja

A solution to climate change induced food insecurity and conflicts in the semi-arid mineral rich region COMMENT | BWESIGYE DON BINYINA | According to a recent report by the East African newspaper, Uganda is on the verge of becoming the first East African country to attain energy surplus and security status. …

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