Saturday , September 28 2024
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COMMENT: Making the most of emerging economies

Some have managed their debt levels, increased productivity, improved infrastructure, and reformed COMMENT | BERTRAND BADRE | Once again, the world’s emerging economies are facing a bout of uncertainty. Argentina, South Africa, and Turkey are among those generating the most concern, owing to a combination of questionable monetary policies and currency …

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COMMENT: The emerging high achievers

A look at 18 countries making the “secret sauce” that enables more stable and robust economic growth COMMENT | ANU MADGAVKAR & JEONGMIN SEONG | Emerging economies are often grouped together as something of a monolith. But when it comes to economic performance, they diverge widely, with only some countries achieving …

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COMMENT: Big food’s poisonous propaganda

How addiction turns sugar from a `food’ into a `drug’ on which unsuspecting masses get hooked COMMENT | ROBERT H. LUSTIG | Every advertising executive knows the difference between marketing and propaganda. One uses facts to espouse a point of view, while the other relies on falsehoods and deceit. But if …

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COMMENT: Uganda needs 17,000MW of electricity

UEGCL could play a role in developing crucial new generation infrastructure COMMENT | HARRISON E. MUTIKANGA | In his address to the Nation on September 9, 2018; His Excellency the President stated that we are aiming at generating 17,000MW of electricity in the next 10 years. We at Uganda Electricity Generation …

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COMMENT: What is threatening science?

Scientists in recent decades have felt increasingly compelled to oversell their research for funding COMMENT | JEREMY J.BAUMBERG | Scientific knowledge and technological innovation, as Yuval Noah Harariemphasises in hisbookSapiens: A Brief History of Humankind, are among the key drivers of economic progress. Yet there is remarkably little reflection taking …

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COMMENT: Education in the age of automation

Formal education is teaching workers the wrong things, instead of digital, technical, and soft skills COMMENT | LEEJONG-WHA | As digital technologies and automation have advanced, fears about workers’ futures have increased. But, the end result does not have to be negative. The key is education. Already, robots are taking …

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COMMENT: The real problem with free trade

It is that free trade has enabled a few predatory multinational companies to secure monopolies COMMENT | JAYATI GHOSH | For most critics of globalisation, trade is the villain, responsible for deepening inequality and rising economic insecurity among workers. This is the logic driving support for U.S. President Donald Trump’s escalating …

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COMMENT: Bobi Wine and American Support

Is being linked to Western powers a stunt or sign of the MP’s potential to cause regime change in Uganda? COMMENT | IAN KATUSIIME | Since Kyadondo East MP Robert Kyagulanyi together with his Canadian lawyer, Robert Amsterdam, had what they dubbed “an international press conference”, in Washington D.C., U.S. on …

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COMMENT: More on OTT and Mobile money taxes

A tax which is not in pursuit of clear objectives is illogical and should be condemned COMMENT | JOSEPH BOSSA | Until recently, I had not taken much interest in taxation. My interest was aroused by the debate, now over shadowed by more hair-raising events happening in our fair land, regarding …

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