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COMMENT: Journalism’s comeback

Journalists are regaining their credibility and trust is at its highest point in seven years COMMENT | ALEXANDRA BORCHARDT | After years of ill health, the news industry is finally showing signs of a modest recovery. According to the Digital News Report 2018 – the most comprehensive survey of digital media …

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COMMENT: The power of empowering refugees

An experiment in refugee education from Kyangwali in Uganda, shows the way to self-sufficiency COMMENT | JOSEPH MUNYAMBANZA | In a small community on the equator, children from diverse backgrounds attend classes in one of the region’s top primary schools. The school has a brass band, a farm, an artists’ collective, …

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COMMENT: Bright future for transport sector

UNRA’s expressways, flyover projects, and more will lead to reduction in traffic congestion in the city COMMENT | AHMED AYUB | On many fronts in the recent past, we have seen the artistic impressions of various projects and most astounding of all the beautiful impressions that the Uganda National Roads Authority …

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COMMENT: The economic cost of corruption in Kenya

The theft jeopardises the country’s short-term skills provision objectives and causes irredeemable long-term opportunity costs COMMENT | ODONGO KODONGO | Kenya is perceived as one of the world’s most corrupt countries. It ranked 143 out of 180 countries on Transparency International’s 2017 corruption perception index. The only African countries that scored …

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COMMENT: Why host the world cup?

All revenue from ticket sales, international broadcasting rights, and sponsorships goes directly to FIFA COMMENT | ANDREW ZIMBALIST | Whom would you trust more, Russian President Vladimir Putin or Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel? Whereas Putin is reveling in the attention that Russia is receiving as host of the 2018 World Cup, …

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COMMENT: Weaning African leaders off power

Democracy from below could be the antidote to addiction to power by leaders who refuse to leave office COMMENT | KEALEBOGA J MAPHUNYE | Some African countries have recorded democratic victories in the past 12 months. Ethiopia has a new leader whose ascent holds great promise for change, despite the country’s …

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COMMENT: A loss for Kenyan democracy

Mass resignation of columnists from The Nation shows press freedom means holding owners accountable COMMENT | NANJALA NYABOLA | On March 27, eight columnists from the Nation Media Group resigned from the Nation newspaper, citing a lack of editorial independence. For Kenya’s largest daily, the exodus of top talent was the …

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