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COMMENT: Rwandans commemorate genocide

Reflect on the history of policy and practice of memory, justice, and recovery in the country over the past 24 years COMMENT | SAMANTHA LAKIN | Rwanda is commemorating the 24th anniversary of the 1994 Tutsi genocide. This claimed the lives of between 800,000 and one million Tutsis and moderate Hutus …

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COMMENT: Manufacturing in the global south

How declining global labour costs and increasing robotics are conspiring against manufacturing there COMMENT | OTAVIANO CANUTO | In emerging markets, manufacturing has historically been a source of productivity, growth, and jobs. Since the 1950s, industrialisation has kept economies in Latin America, Asia, and Eastern Europe on a steady glide toward …

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COMMENT: Africa’s free-trade future

The launch of the CFTA was a major milestone for Africa; a clear message to the rest of the world COMMENT | FRANCIS MANGENI | When African leaders launched the massive Continental Free Trade Area (CFTA) on March 21, 2018, at a summit in Kigali, Rwanda, their top priority should have …

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COMMENT: Poverty on the rise

Uganda had more poor people in 2017 than in 1991 indicating a rise in income and food poverty COMMENT | ENOCK NYOREKWA TWINOBURYO | On Feb.19, the Uganda Bureau of Statistics (UBOS) issued a second and revised version of the Uganda National Household Survey (UNHS) 2016/17. The major revision from the first …

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COMMENT: Don’t quit Facebook

But don’t trust it either because it has technical know how to give you more control but has chosen not to COMMENT | DENISE ANTHONY & LUKE STARK | Is it time to give up on social media? Many people are thinking about that in the wake of revelations regarding Cambridge …

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COMMENT: New global youth movement

Using digital tools, it exposes gaps between the promise of opportunity and reality of unequal chances COMMENT | GORDON BROWN | The recent March for Our Lives in the United States inspired millions not just across America, but also around the world. Until the nationwide demonstrations on March 24, most people …

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COMMENT: Liberal world order, R.I.P

The danger of an emerging international system in a world that is neither liberal nor orderly COMMENT | RICHARD N. HAASS | After a run of nearly one thousand years, quipped the French philosopher and writer Voltaire, the fading Holy Roman Empire was neither holy nor Roman nor an empire. Today, …

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Kayihura leaves behind a grim legacy

Leighann Spencer | AFRICAN ARGUMENTS |  Last month, Uganda experienced a senior changing of the guard as Kale Kayihura was officially replaced as Inspector General of Police. The prominent figure had been head of the Uganda Police Force for over 12 years, and his contract had been renewed for another three …

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