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COMMENT: Planning better cities

Planning buzzwords like `smart cities’mean little if the theories behind them benefit only a few COMMENT| CHRISTINE AUCLAIR & MAHMOUD AL BURAI | Cities, the American-Canadian author Jane Jacobs once observed, are engines for national prosperity and economic growth. But in their current form, modern cities are also catalysts of inequality and environmental …

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GLOBAL COMMENT: African infrastructure

The continent’s pension funds could lead institutional investors in committing funds to local infrastructure COMMENT | IBRAHIM ASSANE MAYAKI | As the US Federal Reserve embarks on the “great unwinding” of the stimulus program it began nearly a decade ago, emerging economies are growing anxious that a stronger dollar will adversely …

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COMMENT: The plight of journalists

Publicising violence against journalists will end an era of historically keeping it behind the headlines COMMENT | LEON WILLEMS | Every five days, on average, somewhere in the world, a journalist is murdered for being a journalist. Nine out of ten times, no one is prosecuted, creating an atmosphere of impunity that extends …

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COMMENT: The Togikwatako campaign

Best bet for Museveni to set new record as president who served for long and retired peacefully inside Uganda COMMENT | MORRIS KOMAKECH | The intent to remove Article 102b from the 1995 Constitution to pave way for life-long presidency should be halted for the good of Uganda. There is no excuse for …

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COMMENT: Being middle-class

Why the private sector’s hype about the consumer habits of the African middle class isn’t helpful COMMENT | HENNING MELBER | The African middle class is of huge interest to business. This was confirmed again recently by well attended seminars in South Africa’s big cities to discuss “African Lions: groundbreaking study on the …

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COMMENT: Transformative African youth

In 25 years, it will be part of the biggest workforce in the world, with more than 1.1 billion people COMMENT | Reeta Roy | A few years ago, during a conversation with young people from some of Senegal’s poorest communities, a pair of social entrepreneurs told me about projects …

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