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COMMENT: Banks partnering for housing

The role of commercial banks and real estate developers are changing to create affordable housing for Ugandans COMMENT | Jackson Emanzi |  Uganda’s population is projected to grow from an estimated 37 million people today to 41.2 million by 2020 (Uganda Bureau of Statistics). Under Goal 11 of the United …

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BOOK: Museveni doesn’t understand democracy

  A rights activist view on the tension between the government and NGOs Kampala, Uganda | FLAVIA NASSAKA | The government’s renewed determination to tightly monitor Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs) in Uganda is meant to stifle other than enable civil society organisations do their work. The NGO Act passed in 2016 just …

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COMMENT: China’s foreign aid model

It has the opportunity, tools, and experience to lift thousands out of extreme poverty globally COMMENT | ASIT K. BISWAS , KRIS HARTLEY | In September, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation released a status report tracking progress on the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The data, which were meant to …

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COMMENT: Superstar sex predators

A psychological explanation for those seeking to understand the apparent nexus of success and abuse COMMENT | RAJ PERSAUD ,PETER BRUGGEN | The Harvey Weinstein sexual assault scandal shows no sign of winding down. Just the opposite: police in the United Kingdom are now investigating several allegations involving the Oscar-winning …

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COMMENT: Marketing the weird

How enabling innovation could offer on lessons on how Crystal Pepsi could have been saved              COMMENT | KYLE MURRAY | We tend to think that innovation is driven by new discoveries or advances in technology. Yet the problem with new products is often not an engineering challenge, but a psychological …

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COMMENT: Mulira wrong on age-limit Bill

The claim that proposed amendment is unconstitutional is peppered with misrepresentation COMMENT | Stuart Oramire | As an ardent reader of senior counsel and citizen, Peter Mulira’s articles, I keenly read the opinion he authored in the Daily Monitor newspaper of October 17, 2017 titled `Constitution should not be tampered with …

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COMMENT: Promoting local industries

After reversing the deplorable state of the economy, the government needs to support local businesses COMMENT | Martin F. Kyeyune | Manufacturing existed in Africa before the colonial rule. Africa made a wide range of essential goods it consumed, including food (this involved food preservation), shelter (involved the use of timber, …

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Uganda’s Donald Trump

   How frustration with Museveni has led us to abandon reality and embrace demagoguery   THE LAST WORD |  Andrew M. Mwenda | October 20 | Last week, newly elected Member of Parliament for Kyadondo East, Robert Kyagulanyi, issued what he called a “Letter to Young Ugandans.” In it, he …

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